The final ordeal

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A magicians Beast chapter 6

The sound of summoning magic cut through the silence as Mr.Kim began to summon a broadsword.

"No matter how stupid I may be, I think I can tell what's going on now" He spoke

"Mr.Song, this means that we have to sacrifice someone, am I right?" Mr.Kim said in a grim tone.

The glowing orange magic had left the tip of the sword, signalling it had been fully summoned. With the blade in his hand, he pointed it at Mr.Song, who in turn froze in place, right hand clutching his bloody left sleeve as he stared at the tip of the sword that was near his face.

"Who brought us here? Song Chi-Yul, it was you." Mr.Kim said with anger in his voice.

"Someone who bragged about his wife and two kids was cleaved in half...and about 10 other people were killed as well." He reminisced

"You agreed to take responsibility just now,right? Then prove it,now"

Jin-Woo and Ju-Hee looked at Mr.Kim in shock that he would say something like that.

(m/n) on the other hand was pissed off, he knew that Mr.Kim was angry and frightened but so was everyone else. Blaming people for something they can't control isn't going to magically fix the situation.

"Mr.Kim Sang-Shik...that's too..." Jin-Woo said meekly, still shocked by the older man's words.

"You shut up and stay still!" Mr.Kim yelled

(m/n) got to his feet,stumbling slightly and stared at Mr.Kim,rage evident on his face. There was no way in hell he was going to let someone yell at his best friend, seeing as he didn't do anything to deserve it. Even if the person who yelled at him was older and 'wiser' than them,he was not going to take this sitting down.

"How about you shut up,Mr.Kim Sang-Shik!" (m/n) shouted, gaining the shocked stares of everyone.

"(m-m/n) what..?" Jin-Woo said in confusion

"How dare you blame someone who is innocent in all this! Someone who is upset and angry like you, someone who just wants to survive. It's not just Mr.Song who wanted to come here,over half of us voted to come here even though we didn't know what was waiting for us!!

So don't go and blame someone for not being able to handle something out of their control,and I know damn well if he knew something like this would happen,he would have not brought us in here because he chose to lead us-"

"(l/n) that's enough, Mr.Kim is right. I must take responsibility. I want to go by myself so please take that away from me." Mr.Song said gloomily as he made his way to the altar.

"Mr.Song don't-!" (m/n) tried to run over to Mr.Song but was stopped by a sword coming down in front of him, making him stop in surprise and glare at the sword wielding man.

Mr.Song's footsteps echoed throughout the room as he continued to walk to the alter with his head held down. Even though Jin-Woo said the altar was a place of sacrifice, (m/n) hoped it didn't mean Mr.Song or anyone else would have to die. The room went quiet once again as Mr.Song arrived at the altar,stepping into the circle where the altar was centred.


A single red flame appeared behind the circle, shocking the survivors.

"What...! What's happening now?" Mr.Kim asked bewildered at the small flame in the room.

"Hey,Mr.Sung! Is this not what we're supposed to do?" Mr.Song asked from the altar

'One flame? What does that mean? Did he not want a sacrifice?' Jin-Woo questioned.

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