Entrance of the Double Lair

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A magicians Beast chapter 2

A small ball of lime green light illuminated a tiny part of the pillared cavern, the light also surrounding the injured figure of Sung Jin-Woo who had hurt his leg during the battle.

"Jin-Woo, why are you so adamant on working as a hunter? Fighting like this will only bring even more risks!" Ju-Hee stated, the ball of light in her palms healing Jin-Woo's bleeding injury.

"Sorry..." Replied Jin-Woo

"I'm not saying this for an apology! I'm just worried." The healer sighed before she gazed around the cavern at the commotion around the two. Not too far from their seated spot, (m/n) was guarding them and burned any monster with his magic if they got too close for his liking.

A bit further away, everyone else was using their respective weapon whether it was physical or magical, it got the job done in killing the monsters that attacked them.

'At least this raid is almost over' Ju-Hee thought, relieved that it didn't have to go for much longer.

(m/n) felt the flaming sparks in his hands go out as the last monster in his vicinity was burned away and sighed as he felt the air slowly start to cool as his magic began to stop. He made his way over to Jin-Woo and Ju-Hee, wiping the small amount of sweat on his forehead before sitting down next to the two as Ju-Hee began talking.

"Jin-Woo,do you have a reason to not quit being a hunter?"

Jin-Woo laughed nervously,noticing that (m/n) decided to sit with them "I'm just a hunter for fun. If I don't do this, I might actually die from boredom!"

'Telling her personal reasons will make me even more embarrassed, but I'm glad she didn't pick up on any clues from (m/n)'s speech earlier, that's a relief..' He thought as Ju-Hee pouted at his reason.

"Looks like having 'fun' two times will send you raiding in the afterlife"

Not expecting those words from Ju-Hee, Jin-Woo and (m/n) burst out laughing, the wound on Jin-Woo's leg disrupting his laughter.

"Don't laugh!! You'll open up your wound!!" Ju-Hee warned

"B-be careful" (m/n) said in between laughs

"Oh yeah!" Ju-Hee realised, her attention on (m/n) all while healing Jin-Woo's wound

"Why did you become a hunter, (m/n)?" the healer asked

The tall man hummed, he expected that he would be asked that question but not now of all places so he gave a short version of the truth.

"I was bored and I needed something to do, so I became a hunter"

Ju-Hee huffed in frustration and looked at the two guys with a pout.

"You guys have weird hobbies"

After Jin-Woo was healed (m/n) stood with him as they both viewed the magical cores they got.

'After all my injuries and troubles, I only earned a single E Rank magical core. Considering I put my life on the line to earn this, it's too small' Jin-Woo thought sadly as he looked at the single magical core in his palm.

(m/n) saw his friends solum gaze on the core in his hand while (m/n) looked at the several E Ranked magical cores in his own hands. (m/n) didn't have to worry about money since his parents sent him money from overseas monthly,even though it was just enough to cover his bills and other living expenses like food and such.

(m/n) knew of the predicament Jin-Woo was in and had said many times to the smaller boy that he would give him a portion, if not all the cores he owned during raids since he needed them more than (m/n) did.

"Here Jin-Woo" (m/n) said offering 5 of his E Rank magical cores to him while he kept one for himself.

Jin-Woo smiled sadly at his friends generosity,who in turn smiled at him with a cheery grin.

"You know you don't have to do this, it's starting to make me feel a bit guilty" Jin-Woo said reluctantly taking the E Ranked cores from (m/n), the last comment he said in a smaller voice but (m/n) heard it somehow and his smile widened.

"Don't be, I'm doing this of my own volition. You're my friend Jin-Woo, and friends help each other out when they need it the most"

Jin-Woo's smile started to become more genuine as he looked at his happy friend.

'You're too kind, (m/n)-'

"Hey! Everyone! There's another entrance here!!" A voice shouted gaining the attention of the two conversing men.

Following where everyone had gathered (m/n) and Jin-Woo stumbled upon a deeper part of the cavern that was to dark to see its contents.

"The Double Lair...looks like it's actually real" Mr.Song Chi-Yul commented, leaning on the side of the wall.

Summoning a fireball in his hand,Mr.Song threw it into the cave, the ball of fire lighting up the cave until it hit the ground and went out leaving the cave in darkness once again.

Mr.Song thought to himself before calling out, "Hmm...everyone, listen to me for a moment. The gate does not close if the boss is still alive."

Pointing to the cave he continued "Since the gate is still open, it seems the boss is inside there. Usually we'd need to contact our guild and await their orders,but.."

Everyone looked at each other as his words processed in their minds.

"If the other hunters get to it first,our profits would dwindle. So I wish for all of us to go kill the boss,but since it could be dangerous why don't 18 of us take a vote.

And no complaining after the vote results, also if the score is tied,we will settle it by flipping a coin."

The hunters throughout the group then began to vote and after numerous votes there was an impasse.

"It's 8:8 so far,huh" Mr.Song counted,after Ju-Hee voted to leave the dungeon.

"So what about your votes" Mr.Song said to (m/n) and Jin-Woo,both who had yes to say their vote

Jin-Woo's fist clenched as he thought about his family.

'I don't have enough money,soon I even need to send my little sister to college...and...my sick mother.

For my family!'

"I'm going!" Jin-Woo yelled firmly before hearing a chuckle coming from next to him.

The laugh was coming from (m/n) who was smiling to himself before that smile became a smirk.

"Well that decides it then..."

"I'm going too"

A Magicians Beast [Solo Leveling X Seme male reader]Where stories live. Discover now