Eight legged horror

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A magicians Beast Chapter 13


"Lizards?" A young Jin-Woo asked

"Sometimes, there are lizard-like bastards. As its a pretty dangerous job,accidents inside the dungeon are common, and if a crime occurred, it's hard to prove,so they are commonplace as well." A man told him

"There is no such thing as a cctv that can be viewed from outside, so who would stop the hunters? Nobody can stop them."

"The weaker you are the faster you get thrown away, but if you're strong,people will seek that strength. If they say you're useless or you get in the way...like a lizard leaving its tail,you get cut away." He explained

"That's why I'm telling you, be careful"

"World's weakest hunter"

*Flashback end*

"What do we do?! The entrance...!" Jin-Ho asked

"Those sons of bitches tried to kill us!!" He cursed, slamming his fist against the blocked exit

"They're trying to kill us both just because of mana crystals!"

'We couldn't stop them anyway,because we were already caught in the trap they created. If we tried something, they were ready to strike us down!' Jin-Woo thought


"It's great that everyone was taken care of cleanly.Thank you."

"But it would be good if you two didn't pay attention to small things that much." Hwang Dong-Seok told the duo

*Flashback end*

'So that's what he meant'

(m/n) took off the equipment filled bag he was carrying and threw it behind him,hearing it land on the floor along with another thump from the other bag Jin-Woo was carrying as the objects hit the ground.

(m/n) folded his arms and looked up at the awakening arachnid with a smirk.

"As much as I think that we should escape, I don't think this spider will let us do that quietly"

"Yeah, that other magician Jo Gyu-Hwan blocked off the entrance pretty well with his light magic. If we tried to escape it would take a while for us to remove all the rocks and even then we would have to face the attack force on the other side." Jin-Woo said as he stepped next to his friend, the duo glaring at the towering monster.

'A C-Rank dungeon boss!'

*At the gate entrance*

"Since we memorised the way, getting out is a piece of cake."

"Let's go back after a rest."

"Hwang, is there a need to do it this way? If we killed the, back there..."

"Idiot, if we fought there and the spider woke up, how would we mine and move the mana crystals?" Hwang Dong-Seok scowled at him

"With the world's weakest E-Rsnk hunter, a regular E-Rank hunter and a D-Rank hunter with absolutely no raid experience it's impossible for them to beat the dungeon Boss no matter how hard they try."

A Magicians Beast [Solo Leveling X Seme male reader]Where stories live. Discover now