Chapter 1

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There was a sudden pressure on my chest, my eyes sprung open to the blinding white of my surroundings, I grabbed for my dagger ready to fight for my life.

this is the end of the road, just as I had found civilisation.

I looked to my chest to see red fur and the heated panic of battle ran through my body, my arms sprung forward to strike the mysterious weight, the squirrel that resting on my chest interrupted from it's peaceful nap and looked unamused as it ran off and up a nearby tree, leaving me feeling rather foolish.

I should have grabbed that, I'm so hungry, hopefully someone thinks I'm cute enough to buy me a drink and a small meal.

I think I'll leave my camp here, if they don't like me I'll have to spend the night here again and there's no point in setting it up a second time, if they hate me that much I'll just try a different face the next day.

Okay here it goes.

I started walking towards the walled town, the heavily walked pathway leading towards the town gates was just packed dirt, not the cobbled streets of wealthy city like Keryn.

This must be a pretty poor town.

As I walked through the brush line and stepped foot on the road a group of the guards I saw on the wall the night before were approaching my direction, they wore the same white armour, and seemed to be fumbling around in some bushes.

The smallest of the guards, skinny with a well kept head of dark brown hair and dressed in the same white leather armour as everyone else was shouting his face red.

"SHEAN!, come on out, your mother is worried!"

A larger man stood behind him, watching silently, his hair was as white as the snow on the ground and he had a red scar across his left eye, and looked tired and angry.

He looked shocked to see me come out the woods but seemed to be the only guard who spotted me.

"Oi who are you?!"

I decided it would be best to play nice and so with an innocent smile on my face I replied.

"I'm Hahlud sir, where is this place?"

"This is Whiteglen but don't think I've seen you around before, seems suspicious that a girl goes missing just as you turn up in town."

His brow frowned and his eyes darted around my face, looking for any sign of ill intent.

The skinny man chimed in, leeching off the authority of the old mans presence.

"You must be the culprit, it fits perfectly, you seem young but I can smell the evil on your from a mile away."

The older man smacked him on the back on the head with a hard thud.

"Leave the boy alone, he couldn't kidnap someone with those noodle arms, even if they were a little girl, if any of you unless bastards could track we would have found her by now, go look in those bushes you fool."

The small man quickly silenced himself, more damaged from embarrassment than the blow to his head.

The large man smiled at me, apparently thinking I don't stink of evil.

"I'm Keith, head of guards here at Whiteglen, what brings a scruffy lad like you here?"

"It's a bit of an accident, I've been wandering in the woods for the last few months, where's Whiteglen, I've never heard of it?"

I felt slightly embarrassed to admit I had no idea where this town was, when you grow up in Keryn you aren't really taught about anything outside of the city walls, people in the capital think that the rest of Amera exists to make their lives easier.

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