Chapter 20

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Night came quickly and without any street lights to frighted up the area it was the truest darkness you can experience and the moon was only a slither in the sky.

Old George lit a large lantern on the front of the cart to guide the way, Dopplers can naturally see in the dark so I had no issues with seeing where I was going but I put on the act as to not raise suspicion.

Elves, Dwarfs, Lycanthrope, Jinn and The Demon Blooded are some of races that see in the dark with varying degrees of clarity, I could only see in different shades of grey bit some say elves can see in full colour.

The rest of the path was lonely, quiet and cold, the forest went on and on, the path felt like it would never end, until small specs of light high in the sky came over the horizon.

As we got closer to the lights their source came slowly came into view, a tremendously large wall at least one hundred foot tall with large lanterns hanging from the top lay before us.

At the front of the wall was a gate large enough to let an army through, these walls were even bigger than the ones surrounding Keryn and the dark grey stone it was made of only added to the hard and unbreakable look that it had.


"Yup, that's Darkridge, never taken over from the outside, that walls fought off dragons, Gods and Kings and threw them all back as easy as the last."

"That amazing, how did they even build that?"

"Stories say it was Giants who built the thing, stones are too big for any normal man to lift, others say the walls always been here, the interiors the only thing to change."

As I looked over the monstrously sized city before me, my mind ran rampant with the thoughts of what sort of people I would meet, what sort of adventures I would go on and overall what the city had to offer.

I can't believe I'm finally here...

The blizzard blew has hard as it had when we first set off and with the ominous glow of Darkrdige ahead, the only beacon in this desert of snow, we moved towards those colossal gates, ready to see what lay behind them.

I looked down to Kaibear who was unbothered by the snow.

"You ready boy?"


Tales of the Red Rogue - A Heroes ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now