Chapter 19

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The sound the cart being prepared is what woke me up, Old George was already putting a feedbag on my horse for me and lighting his pipe.

Exhausted from a terrible nights sleep I rolled up my sleeping bag and hopped on the back of my horse lighting a cigarette myself as I took my seat, I smiled at George in thanks but I'd gathered by this point that this journey was to be a silent one and as soon as my butt hit the horse the cart begin to move and our journey continued, we would probably get there by the end of today so at least the chance at some more talkative company was just around the corner.

We continued on the snow covered road leading north, occasionally Kaibear would run into the woods after a squirrel or something and return a little later with a blood stained maw, but that was about the most exciting that happened at our horses trotted on.

Oh more snow, and more trees, look at that Old George is smoking his pipe again... I'm so bored.

I hung my head back, defeated by the lack of anything to do, I played with my deck of cards, smoked cigarettes and kept an eye out every now and then when I remembered what I was being paid for.

Gods I would give anything for something interesting to happen, bandits attack or wolves or just something.

I had fallen behind Old George quite a bit just to take some space and keep a better eye out in the woods, mainly it was so I could talk to myself and Kaibear a little.

An arrow flew from the tree line and landed in the ground in front of me, at first my heart pumped in excitement, something was finally happening, then my heart stopped because someone was trying to kill me.

I grabbed my dagger from my hip and jumped off my horse and charged into the forest with Kaibear leading the way.

The arrow must have been fired from somewhere close, it would be impossible to fire an arrow at someone from deep in the woods, there were too many trees in the way.

Another arrow landed in front of me again, directly before my feet.

Whoever this is a terrible shot, it almost looks like the arrow was just dropped from right above me.

I looked up into the high trees and saw a small lump of a person drawing another arrow from their hip, I instinctually threw my black dagger up into the tree and after it made impact in a puff of shadowy smoke my dagger appeared back in my hand.


Tumbling down from the trees fell a gnome, landing on the ground with a great thud in the snow, there was blood spilling out of the open wound where his leg used to be dying the snow a deep red.


He was grabbing his leg in pain and groaning, I wasn't quite sure how to process this situation.

"Because youSshot atMme?"

"I thought you were a deer you twat."

"I'm the ones holding the dagger here so no name calling."

That was the coolest thing I've ever seen a weapon do I love this thing, I'm so glad I turned the voice down and took the dagger, this thing is amazing.

"Just help me up!"

"No why would I? you shot at me."

"Look, you can't just leave me here to die."

He was right, if he was shooting at a deer this was a senseless murder and something about that didn't sit with me.

I looked through my bag as he moaned and groaned in pain from the wound on his leg.

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