Chapter 4

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The sun was searing through Percys large window into my waking eyes, It might the most unpleasant feeling in the world to have the sun wake you up, the burning it leaves on your skin and in your eyes is hell.

I wander if Humans feel like this when they see the sun on a morning or if it's just Dopplers.

Percy sprung up in bed and stretched out his arms up into the air.

"Feel that sun, it's such a lovely day, a lovely day to rob some rich bastards."

I rubbed my eyes, far less exited for the day ahead than Percy was.

Gods I wish I could just go back to bed.

"Yeah that sun sure is great..."

Lying was easy for me I had been doing it for so long, if anyone finds out your Doppler there's usually an all out city hunt for you, calling out for the 'freak to be burned at the stake'.

"Shall we go get some breakfast my dear Hahlud?"

He held out a hand like a prince about to sweep a princess off her feet.

I took it and with feeling genuinely flattered.

"That sounds lovely, make sure its a small though, I've gotta keep my figure and meat and eggs will go straight to my hips."

"Oh please I couldn't live with myself if you gained a single pound."

He pulled me out of bed and began to get dressed, I gathered my armour from around the room, and started the tedious process of tying up each part of my crappy old leather armour to my body.

I hate getting dressed, this stuff is so old the leather straps hardly work, maybe with the money I could buy some self tying armour, it would be worth every penny regardless of cost.

I felt a little bit more comfortable talking about the job now that we were in the privacy of his room.

"So what time are we heading out for this job, I'm a little nervous, I've never robbed a house before."

"NEVER BEFORE!, yesterday I got the vibe that you had done this a million times"

"Ah no! I've done a lot of pickpocketing, I've broken into peoples houses to hide but I've never stolen anything, just from people walking around town."

It looked like Percy had deflated, obviously disappointed to hear my actual profession as a measly pickpocket.

"You're just a lousy pickpocket?"

"I mean, I'm not lousy, I never got caught and I still have all my fingers if that shows how good I am."

Percy threw his head up to the sky and looked to the roof of his room clearly frustrated.

"Damn you Dagna! giving me this fresh blood to work with, I'll end up in prison for sure."

I wouldn't go as far to say I'm fresh, I've been doing this since I was six you elven asshole.

It looked as though the man was going to cry, I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled to try comfort him as to not make this job harder than it needed to be, a crying elf would surly be noticed.

"I think we will be fine Percy."

"What makes you say that."

He was teary eyed like a small child who dropped some of their sweets.

"Just trust me."

I handed him back his pocket watch that I had pickpocketed whilst I was comforting him with a cocky look on my face.

Tales of the Red Rogue - A Heroes ArrivalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin