Chapter 16

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As we travelled, the trees around us lost their unique white colour that was found in Whiteglen woods becoming more and more rare with each step.

We must be pretty far from town by this point.

The dark browns of your average tree trunk and the deep greens of pine trees started to flank us on either side until the only glimpse of white was the snow beneath our feet, the ground was almost completely stone this deep in and the ruins of walls and pillars became more common than the trees.


I looked at Keema and her face was like a mirror of my own, absolute horror, the deep voice echoing through the woods must be Sheans dad, I knew he would be involved in this somewhere along the way but to kill his own daughter is just sickening.

I pulled my dagger out and ran towards the sound of the voice as he continued shouting in the same unintelligible ramblings the Kobolds made, I made sure to keep my footprints as silent as I possibly could.

We all managed to get closer without being noticed and all three of us took refuge behind an old ruined wall.

Keema kept as low as she could, she looked angry, scared, confused and frustrated, it was like she was about to explode, Kaibear remained ready to jump into the fight with me as soon as I gave the command.

I peaked my head over the wall to see several Kobold all circling a stone table, grey and cracked it look older than the stone flooring beneath it, at the table stood a man in a deep red robe, he held a black dagger in his hand, a dagger that looked like the tooth of some horrific creature kids would be told about in a story to scare them senseless.

My eyes focused in on the small lump of cloth on the table, the unmoving but clear body of a young girl.

I couldn't control my movements, it was like I was overtaken with all of the pain I had dealt with in my life, ready to stop another young person from having to go through that.

I jumped over the wall with my dagger in hand, Kaibear ran around the wall and rushed towards the closest Kobold.

With a burst of speed I ran straight for the man in the red robe, a Kobold jumped at me with a short makeshift sword in hand, mid air Kaibear tackled the creature to the ground and ripped out its throat.

I moved closer pushing my feet into the ground as hard I could, two Kobolds turned to me with hand crossbows ready to fire, I brought my up my arm hoping to protect my head from the shot only to hear a loud crack.

Both Kobolds fell to the ground, their necks completely snapped, bones poking out of the skin on their throats, thick vines moved behind the two, swaying like a snake.

I looked back at Keema to see her hands glowing with a green power, her eyes beamed with green light and the way her eyebrows furrowed showed that she was a little more harmful that she initially gave off.

With most of the Kobold dead now and the path to the man in the red robes was clear, his hands came together and let of a blue flash of light, a sharp spear of magical rock flew towards me like a dart, I ducked out of the way of it but I felt the power behind the spell as it passed by my head, it could have sliced right threw me.

I met the man with my dagger up in the air and slammed it down towards him as hard as I could, his hands flashed again and created a blue shimmering barrier and as the tip of my blade hit conjured shield it felt like a solid wall.

He brought his black dagger towards me but I parried it away with my own, with his chest open for for an attack I plunged the steel into his soft belly and tore upwards, the ribbons of flesh flowing down the robe and across my face.

Tales of the Red Rogue - A Heroes ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now