Chapter 6

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It didn't take too long to get to the meeting spot, I had no idea what time It was but I hoped I hadn't spent too much time in town.

Maybe when I'm rich and famous I'll buy myself one of those fancy pocket watches.

I chuckled to myself and daydreamed of the fame and fortune I would clearly never obtain when a high pitched noise came from the direction of some thick white bushes.


"Oh wow! a talking bush, you haven't by any chance seen a tall black haired elf have you? Blue eyes, thinks he's way more handsome than he his."

Its nice to have someone I can joke with again.

"He's just as handsome as he thinks he is I'll have you know"

Percy stood up from the bush looking rather happy to see me, he had a smile on his face and it seemed confident, he was wearing tight black leather armour that hugged his figure, it really showed off the androgyny of elven bodies, not that he had breasts, but his figure could fool even the straightest man, a large black hooded cloak bellowed behind him covering most of his body.

"You took your time, the house is off this way, come on I don't want to be out in the open too long."

He gestured for me to follow alongside him, the long strides of his legs made it hard to keep up with him without jogging.

"Nice outfit, perfect for a robbery."

He looked as though the compliment didn't phase him at all, like he though he was the most beautiful man in existence.

"I know, I look amazing, people should feel honoured to get robbed by me even if it's just to have to chance to see me dressed like this, make sure to keep an eye out for Winter Cats."

"What's a Winter Cat?"

"Oh they're cats about as big as horses, sometimes bigger, they have white fur that's apparently magic resistant, large fangs and blue eyes, oh, and they exclusively eat people."

"Is that even real?! It sounds like something from a scary story..."

"Oh they're real, let's get going darling."

He took my hand a showed me through the thick woodland that surrounded Whiteglen, the pale white trees an bushes that where around made Percy stand out like a sore thumb, I had been told by some woodcarver at the bar last night that the reason the trees are white is because they're bleached, there's something wrong with the dirt here that makes all the plant life grow white.

I put my hand on his shoulder to bring him to a stop this would be easier if it was just me.

"Hey you stay here Percy, I'll go up ahead"

"Its about fifty foot in front of us, there should be a large clearing in the woods, remember to look for the cart, if it's still there the job is off for now."

"Got it boss."

I crouched as low as my legs would take me and slowly moved through the woods, I pictured myself as a squirrel scampering across the forrest floor, wolves all around trying to eat me.

Obviously I was completely safe right now, but imagining I was in constant danger helped with my concentration.

The tree line broke to show a large two floored house, bigger than anything in Whiteglen, it was even bigger than the Pickled had, it had a small garden in the front filled with an ocean of white roses, the windowsill had roses of blue, green, red and black growing in plant pots, the colour was almost distracting.

Tales of the Red Rogue - A Heroes ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now