Chapter 17

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The dark winters morning brought no sun through the window as I got up it was almost like the weather itself was rewarding me for saving Shean, I sat on the bed and gave Kaibear a little stroke, he deserved some care too, he did a good job.

I got up and dressed, ready to go enjoy a day of doing nothing but picking up my boots, maybe I'll get this dagger checked out too, I gave the dagger a closer look, the black steel blade looked as dark and shiny as obsidian, the way this thing feels must mean its magic in some way.

The Inn was pretty full today, just about everyone sitting around was already drunk or in the process of getting drunk.

I guess everyone must be celebrating, good on them, it's been stressful for everyone involved.

I approached the bar to see Dagna ignoring drink orders as usual, and consuming more other stock than the customers were.

"How's business today Dagna?"

"Bloody brilliant, made a fortune today thanks to you."


"We're celebrating cause you brought Shean back, calling this the Red Rogue festival."

"Red Rogue? That's a bit on the nose isn't it."

"I voted for Pretty Princess, but Keith thought Red Rogue had a more mysterious feel to it."

"Its defiantly accurate, can I get a breakfast?"

"You've got a pretty noticeable colour scheme to be fair, red on red on red, and one gold for the breakfast."

I threw her the coin and she snatched it out the air.

"One breakfast, make it a good one and bring out the wine!"

I turned to see Percy and Keith having a heated chat and eating a plate of meat at the back of the room.

I took my seat with them, Percy greeted me with a head nod but clearly didn't have time to speak as the argument continued, Keiths heated voice was the first to be heard.

"You sly elf bastard, don't you tell me what I know about my gods."

"I'm just saying, there's no way the Wolf King would beat Fenthris in a fight."

"The Wolf King is the god of survival, he would win in any fight, he survives, that's what he does."

"But Fenthris is the god of the hunt, and so would easily be able to track down the Wolf King and win."

I though I'd throw in my two copper.

"Aren't they both the same god anyway?"

They both looked at me with absolute horror on their faces, they looked like they were stuck between thinking whether or not I was stupid or just plain ignorant.



Keith gave Percy and a pat on the back with a loud half drunken smile on his face.

"Aye, I suppose you could be right kid."

"No one has been the Wold King in hundreds of years and I'm not sure anyone has officially met Fenthris."

Ah to be one the few in this world who actually get to meet a god, I hear that some gods walk among their followers but which individual is the god is usually keep highly secret, only a few gods actually stay in their realm, most like to walk around the world, I understand that, I would hate to be locked up in a stuffy realm as well.

Tales of the Red Rogue - A Heroes ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now