Chapter 10

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The stress of the day before more than warranted resting in bed for long than usual and so I stayed in bed until midday.

The extra rest and sleep had my leg feeling a world better and the anxiety the attack had brought onto me had almost completely faded.

Before I left my room I did a quick check over my leg and the wound didn't look nearly as bad at it had felt the night before, after getting dressed into my hole filled cloths I went downstairs to face the day ahead.

Dagna tried to stop me for breakfast and asked if I would do some more jobs today, but I said I wasn't interest and was going to having a day to myself, I figured I deserved it.

It might be nice to try some food at the stalls for breakfast.

The heavy amount of snow on the outside of the bar took me by surprise, it had been lightly snowing this morning but I didn't expect it to settle so quickly, I walked through the town towards the market as the neighbourhood kids played outside, throwing snowballs at each other and building snowmen.

The atmosphere was rather cheerful, it was as though the lost girl had left everyones minds for a day, the stalls were selling hot drinks and steaming pies and people were happily talking to each other whilst they watched the kids play.

I decided to pick up a pie for breakfast and began my search for the tailer that Percy had told me about as I ate.

I had never had egg pie before, I would probably never have egg pie again, it was not the most pleasant combo in the world, nice enough to finish on a hungry stomach, but bad enough that if I ever think of it again I might gag.

I picked up a few other things with my wanderings around the town, I grabbed a new backpack for next to nothing after trading my old one in, I got myself a couple day rations incase I had to go traveling or got kicked out of town and I made sure to get my own set of thieves tools from Percy who was currently making his way around the market tasting all the the hot spiced wines that were available.

The tailor didn't take too long to find, but.. she was so beautiful I was scared to approach her.

She had black hair, it was all tied back in a tight pony tale with a few strands loose and out in front of her face, she had the strong jaw commonly found on the face of a northern human, and her big brown doe eyes made me nearly hand over my purse just for the pleasure of looking at her, she was slim but she had wide hips and she was tall...

Tall women are my weakness, gods I hope she doesn't ask for extras cause I'll spend every penny I have here.

Hold on... she might have to touch me to get my measurements...

I was stood there in the middle of the market, blushing with my eyes wide as the girl looked over at me with a half frown on her face clearly worried about I was staring at her.

"Are you okay over there?"

"I.. I Umm, I'm doing... I'm fine."


She got back to cutting some humming the whilst cutting some material, pretending as though nothing happened.

I lost all volume control and basically shouted asI tried to talk to her.

"Could you make me some new clothes please!"

She turned and her mouth curved into a sweet smile.

"I thought you were going to ask me for some new clothes, no offence, but I wouldn't even buy the stuff you're wearing for scrap."

I forced out an awkward laugh and looked tot he ground to hide my red face.

"Right then, come over here so I can get you measured."

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