Chapter 3

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My hopes were shattered as soon as I entered the Inn, Dagnas voice was booming around the room like a war horn, luckily it was mostly drowned out by the now packed bar, everyone had a plate of food and a drink in front of them and the atmosphere was tight knit and friendly, I took a seat at the front of the bar as Dagna threw a glance in my direction that said she wanted to talk to me.

"Nice to see you princess boy."

She slid a drink over to of me getting half of it on the table as it sloshed back and forth.

"I told you my name is Halhud sigh thanks for the drink"

"Don't thank me, you're about to pay off some of the coin you owe me and probably make a little bit for yourself, I got a job for you."

I wasn't aware I owed her that much coin considering I haven't even slept here yet.

"Thanks but I'm tired, I just want to go to bed"

"Well it's not a job you can turn down princess, you owe me for the free food and room, look see that pretty elf man sat at the back of the room at his own table drinking the wine and eating fruit."

I had noticed the man when I walked in, he had long slicked back black hair, pale skin and long pointed ears that indicated him to be an elf, his blue eyes pierced right through the crowds of the Inn and they were the eyes of someone up to no good.

He is pretty handsome.

"Yeah I see him."

"That's Percy, he'll give you the details on the job and probably buy you a drink if you're nice enough, go take a seat, he already knows I'm sending you."

I pushed my self up from the bar with what little energy I could muster up within myself.

Todays been a long enough I just want to sleep.

"Fine, the quicker I get this done the quicker I can get to bed."

I walked to the back of the room, with my half spilled drink in hand, dodging and ducking through the crowd.

I took and deep breath as I got to the table to smell the fruit but the only thing that entered my nostrils was the strong perfume that the Percy was wearing, it was strong enough to repel a bear, my eyes started to water but keeping my composer I sat down, with a cute smile on my face and a respectable amount of eye contact.

He looked over his wine glass at me, as though he was taking every drop my essence in through his pupils, but the smile on his face gave me comfort in the fact this man was obviously not evil, or at least not the most evil I had met, not Keryn types of evil.

The well spoken and high pitched voice that he spoke with took me by surprise, I never expected to hear such a nice voice in this bar.

"You might be the most adorable little man I've ever seen in my short one-hundred and thirty years on Elderia, and with that tiny frame I can't wait to be working with you."

In part frustration and part embarrassment with the volume this man declared me the cutest little man he'd ever seen my face began to redden.

"Quiet down, I don't want anyone to know whatever it is where about to do, I assume it's not the most legal."

In a loud and happy voice he responded.

"You're right, this job is not legal, however no one in this town could care less about wether or not you're breaking the law or just working your days in the woodcarving hall, keep money coming into the town and don't be an arsehole and they'll stand behind you."

Tales of the Red Rogue - A Heroes ArrivalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin