Chapter 25

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Hero Killer Stain has quite the record...

Anything about his quirk?

Not much is known about it unfortunately...we'll have to find out about it as we fight him...

So like we usually do?

I suppose so...

So do we have his location?

Well based on the I've research done I see that he usually attacks in low populated areas...there are areas in Hosu City that arent very populated...

That's where Iida is...

It's not the most outlandish idea to think that Iida may be there to find Stain... he is most likely the one that attacked Iida's brother and paralyzed him...

This isn't good...message Izuku what you told me...

At once y/n...

Y/n walks back inside and sees Mei

Mei:Is everything alright?

Y/n:We may need to leave on short notice tonight...

Mei:Oh dear...I hope its nothing too serious...

Y/n:I doubt it won't be...


Cortana...I don't think you should make dinner...Mei is already making some...

What is she making?

I don't know...she'll tell me...

Mei:Hey y/n you want mac and cheese for dinner...

Y/n:You're asking me...a young adult if he wants childish mac and cheese for dinner?


Y/n:Of course I do!

Y/n surely there is something else!

I'm eating mac and cheese and no one is gonna stop me!

Wait y/n...

This better be important...

Izuku sent us his location...

Did he follow up with a message?

No...but it's from Hosu City...

Dang...let's go!

Y/n:Uhh...I gotta go Mei!

Mei:Okay y/n! I'll probably see you on TV anyway!

Y/n runs outside...

What's the plan...

I'm going to transport us to an alley in Hosu City...there seems to be mutiple readings of emergency from there as well...

From Stain?

An image of something pops in front y/n

They look similar to the thing we fought with All Might...however they have a few different characteristics...

Not good...

Let's try to find Izuku and help him as fast as we can...

I'm ready when you are!

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