the talk

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As I stand next to California crime who keeps head butting me in front of her very shocked trainer and on to her equally shocked groom who is standing on the other side of California crime. How in the world did you do that her trainer asks me. Well I honestly don't know myself I just clucked to her to move into a walk, trot or canter and that was really all I had to do to get her to do that. Then I just chirped to her and she moved into a gallop and when I clucked at her again she somehow knew that it was time to slow down and did so all by herself. It was like she knew exactly what I was going to ask her before I asked her to I answer his question. Well Skylar is it he asks me. Yes my name is Skylar but please call me sky and you are. I answer his question and ask one of my own. Eric and I think alex told you how your the first person she has ever run for and how she uselly just throws them off after they move her into a trot and your the first person she hasn't done that do and ran for am I right?  Yes Eric alex did tell me that I say as I pet California crime who is sill head butting me. Eric just laughs and says to no one in particular that it looks like California crime has chosen someone that she will run for at last. After he is done laughing I tell him that my dad always said that no human can make a horse truly run only the horse can pick the person who they and only that person will ever truly run for. I think your dad is right and i have always agreed with that so since she will only and only for you run for become her permanent rider Eric asks me. Yes Eric I would love that I tell him.

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