test of a champion

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We all flew out of the gate within a faction of a second. California Crime seemed to wast no time and before I knew it she was going head to head with to night and we were at least five lengths ahead of the others. Finally after what seemed like forever we flew across the finish line two lengths ahead of to night. Everyone including myself was speechless. I mean come on it's definitely not everyday a horse wins a triple crown but to California crime just became the horse that ended the forty-six year drought since affirmed won the last triple crown. And she just became the first filly in history to win the triple crown. Plus she is the second horse to win the triple crown undefeated. Finally Alex finds his voice and tells me nice job and to remind him of this whenever he doubts me as he pats California Crime's neck. I just laugh while California crime shakes her head almost like she is laughing. Finally after I mange to stop laughing and catch my breath I tell him thanks and I will. As we both pet California crime Eric walks over and pats California crime on her neck before I ask him well what now? After a moment he tells me he just got off the phone with California Crime's owners and they want to know if you think she can handle some major races both here in America and overseas. Before I even think of a answer I ask Eric why do they want my opinion. Sky everyone knows you know California crime the best and besides your the only one who can stay on her much less ride her or get her to run. California crime is basically your horse so that's why he tells me. Well in that case I don't think she can do it I know she can do it I tell them. Okay good because we're about to put her to the test Eric tells me.

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