the affirmed handicap

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Crime leaves the gate in a second. Her hoofs beat the ground as she gallops like the wind. Today she stays to the outside rather than complete for space in the pack that the colts have formed. Overhear she can run free without fighting for ground. As we reach the back stretch crime and give me another are neck and neck. They move in perfect harmony. Crime down right reuses to let him gain anything and give me another is doing his best to gain some ground. As we near the wire give me another stumbles but keeps running. He's slowing down quickly and keeps stumbling. Me and crime fly over the wire in the lead by a neck. As I start to slow crime down I hear a loud thud followed by the cries of a horse. Crime stops in a heartbeat and turns to look at what's going on. Give me another is down thrashing around on the ground in a hopeless effort to get up. His jockey is laying motionless just a few yards away. Everything else is forgotten as everyone rushes to help either horse or rider. It takes a dozen people but finally they get the injured colt to lay sill. Several people are surrounding the jockey who sill is motionless. After the vet arrives they get the colt up. His right forleg is covered in blood and is not holding any weight. Finally a track attendant takes us to the winners circle. Today it's a quiet walk to the winners circle. It kinda makes me miss the sreaming crowd. In the winners circle there are very few people there and everything is quite and sad. I notice Eric and alex missing which makes me worry. After some time alex comes and leads us back to the stable. After I dismount I ask alex is he. Dead yes alex says cutting me off. How you'd know I was going to ask that and that I was talking about the jockey. I ask him. Well you always refer to give me another by his name not he so it was kinda obvious alex says as he grooms crime. Well what happened to give me another then I ask alex. He's alive for the moment but his right forleg past the knee to the hock is broken. They have him in surgery know but the vets say that they aren't expecting him to make it due to the amount of blood he's lost. Alex says as he puts crime back in her stall. Okay so next question where the heck is Eric I yell at him. In the middle of a extremely important meeting that could save give me another. Alex says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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