day of the coaching club American oaks

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it has been around two weeks since the acorn stakes now we will be going 9 furlongs or a mile and one eighth of a mile in the second leg of the new York filly triple Tira known as the coaching club American oaks. If you ask me California Crime's popularity has at least doubled since the acorn stakes. Now days it seems like California crime knows that we all have agreed to put up with her stunts and stubbornness on one condition she gives me her full undivided attention whenever I am on her or whenever she is on the track. Well anyway back to the race. There are nineteen other fillies running and the lineup and odds are :

1. Moonlight dance odds 3 to 9

2. White oxbow odds 4 to 8

3. Golden Gem odds 1 to 15

4. Death wish odds 6 to 9

5. Western flight odds 8 to 12

6. Queen of Saturn odds 4 to 14

7. My life odds 6 to 17

8. Moon goddess odds 4 to 14

9. Water resistant odds 5 to 9

10. Shadowcat odds 3 to 9

11. Peaceful star odds 5 to 7

12. Valley view odds 9 to 29

13. Easy wish odds 3 to 39

14. Star wisher odds 1 to 90

15. Hidden cave odds 2 to 12

16. Crystal clear odds 1 to 9

17. Glowing Crack odds 3 to 7

18. Big ruby odds 5 to 13

19. Planet Earth odds 8 to 20

20. California Crime odds 2 to 4

Finally Alex shows up with California crime. Let me guess crime was being stubborn I ask alex as we all stand by crime. Yep extremely stubborn alex says just they call riders up. Gusse I'll she you after the race I say to Alex as he let's go of California Crime's bridle and we walk onto the track. Almost immediately a track attendant takes hold of California Crime's bridle and leads us for the post parade. After the post parade is over the people who work the starting gate decide to put California crime and shadowcat in first because I don't think shadow has ever had any problems with the starting gate and I know that California crime has never had a single problem with the starting gate so there probably trying to get the quite horses in first. To my surprise and almost to all the people working the starting gate and the jockeys as well probably half if not all of the crowd surprise shadowcat rears up just as they start to load her into the starting gate. I wacth the young filly as she throws her rider off of her before looking around in fear. Suddenly shadowcat bolts toward me and crime. Luckily crime moved out of the way just in time so we were both fine but shadowcat was definitely not fine. After they manage to catch shadowcat and lead her off the track they load me and California crime into the starting gate first. As always California crime walks in without trouble. As start to load the third to last horse I lean forward and whisper to California crime you got this. After I lean backup California crime snorts as she shakes her while flinging her tail back and forward and stomps her left front hoof. Finally they finnish loading the last horse and everybody is quite as we wait for the bell. After what seems like forever but was really only a few seconds we all hear the low loud ring of the bell as the gates fly open. Just as we start to move I whisper to California crime let's do this.

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