Chapter 4: Ringette

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Week later:

After a week, the girls were released from the hospital. CC and Brooke's wounds and broken bones are healing quickly. They will be able to go back to school in a few days. They reached their home and flopped on the couch, all three giving out a huge sigh.

"Why don't we all watch a movie!" CC said. The girls picked the movie "Frozen".

"What! You can't do that!" Rebekkah freaked out when Anna got frozen.

"Yeah! She's the hero!" CC joined. Brooke looked at her two best friends giving them the are-you-nuts-or-something-look. Rebekkah and CC turned their heads towards Brooke with wide eyes. They put in innocent smiles and Brooke just shook her head, chuckling softly. The movie ended soon after and they all fell asleep on the couch, each girl snoring lightly in a deep sleep.

The next morning came and the girls decided to go to their field they always go to. They decided to walk, not ride the horses. It's a weekend day, so it's Saturday. They reached their field and stated to chase each other around. They laughed so hard their stomachs hurt.

"Come one CC, your turn to be tickled!" Rebekkah said, lurking towards her with her arms outstretched. Ready to tickle her, Brooke is behind CC, both have an evil smirk on their faces. Just when they were about to tickle CC, they hear boys yelling. Then they hear Blake's voice, the horse farmer.


Brooke, Rebekkah, and CC bolted into the forest. They scrambled up trees and they see three horses stampeding towards them. The riders are the three assholes, and the horses are the same horses they ride. They must have stolen them without permission from Blake. The three girls looked at each other and nodded.,once the horses were right underneath their trees, they jumped. They landed in the saddles behind the boys.

Each boy turned their faces behind them and each were met with a punch to the face. They fell off and the girls scooted forward in the saddles and steered the horses back to Blake.

"Thank you girls. I don't know why those boys just came and stole the horses like that!"

"Believe us Blake, those three boys are assholes and they come from hell!" Rebekkah replied. Brooke and CC nodded. They gave the horses back to Blake and ran off.

"Hey guys! Doesn't ringette start again today?" Brooke asked. They looked at each other, then the time.

"We have to hurry!" CC cried. They ran home and grabbed their gear bags. They piled in the car with CC driving and drove to the local ice rink about twenty minutes from their house. They walked in the change room and said hello to their team. There is Dalia, Tammy, Violet, Nadi, Addie, Helen, and Selma there. They changed into their gear, Brooke is forward, CC is center, and Rebekkah is goalie. After getting changed, they went on the ice and started skating around. Their coach, Callie, came on the ice and they started to do drills. After about twenty minutes, the boys hockey team started to show up for their practice that's after the girls.

The boys started watching the ringette team practice. Brooke, Rebekkah, and CC started talking about warm ups when they notice three guys near the glass. Luke, Tarren, and Ash are staring at them through the glass. They watched the plays with surprised faces but then they turned to evil smirks. The girls glared at them. Once their practice finished forty minutes later, they skated off the ice. The three boys walked up to the three girls.

"That was some fancy skating out there. Sure you're not wearing figure skates?" Luke teased.

"No sorry, what did you say? I can't hear anything except your annoying mouth flapping." Brooke come backed. Yes! The girls don't talk. But when someone insults them, they have pretty clever comebacks.

"Oh well! We can beat you girls in a race anyday." Tarren said overconfident.

"Nah! Sorry to disappoint you honey, but ringette players are faster than hockey players. We take shorter strides, you take longer. We could match to speed skaters." CC said with knowledge. Brooke and Rebekkah snickered, they are so winning against the boys with their sass. The girls pushed past the shock faced guys and went in the change room.

"What took you girls so long?" Dalia asked. The three best friends looked at each other and said.

"We took care of some hockey guys who are arrogant and are from hell."

The Three Girls People Don't KnowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin