Chapter 14: We Regret Watching That

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After the movie finished, all the girls are laughing their heads off as the boys cower behind the couch.

"That was hilarious!" CC laughed. The guys poked their heads from the couch, fear etched across their faces and beads of sweat from the suspense from their forehead. The girls just laughed harder than ever. Holding their stomachs. Rebekkah fell on the floor laughing, Brooke and CC eventually fell too.

The boys scowled at their girlfriends. They would have thought they be the brave ones but nothing could get past these girls.

"We regret watching that!" Luke pouted. Ash and Cal nodded their heads in agreement, looking at the three girls on the floor.

-next day-

CC, Brooke, and Rebekkah got up. The boys had left for their homes late last night. They run out to the park and sit on the playground. Laughing at each others jokes, bugging eachother about the boys, and well, being like sisters. CC went to go get a drink and walked to the vendor. She got two cokes and one ice tea. She gave Brooke a coke and Rebekkah the ice tea.

"Well, well, well! Look who we have here!" A voice said. Rebekkah looked up along with Brooke and CC and they see the football quarterback, Jaze Curfsons. His posse stand behind him snickering.

"It's the three idiots." He smirked.

"Who the hell are you calling an idiot asshole!" Rebekkah come backed. Jaze scowled and looked at her angrily. He threw a punch at her but CC blocked it.

"You probably shouldn't have done that." CC smirked. She punched Jaze in the face. His posse attacked the three girls. They tried to fight but the football boys are a little stronger than they are. Jaze came looking down at the three girls lying on the grass weakly.

"No wonder your parents left you idiots, your pathetic. Your useless! A waste of space in this world!" Jaze insulted. The girls made no effort to move, silent tears fell down their dirtied cheeks. Jaze's posse dragged them to an abandoned alley and threw them there.

"Here you can die, you three are worthless!" He yelled. Brooke tried to move but cringed in pain. CC tried also but yelped, Rebekkah made no movement for that she passed out. One boy had hit her head with a rock and choked her. All three girls had been choked. Soon after, Brooke and CC passed out. After three hours, they all woke up, but still too weak to move.

"G-guys a-a-are you th-th-th-there?" Rebekkah asked, stuttering in her words. Brooke and CC moaned in response. Rebekkah breathed deeply, she started having trouble breathing. CC dragged herself over to Rebekkah, same with Brooke. They were also breathing deeply with their asthma but their wasn't so bad.

"Where is your inhaler?" Brooke asked Rebekkah. Rebekkah looked at her and shook her head.

"Jaze and his idiot t-took them!" Rebekkah wheezed. Music then erupted the empty alleyway and CC's started ringing from her back pocket. She reached for it, ignoring the immense pain coursing through her body.

"Hello?" She croaked from her dry throat.

"CC! Where are you? Ash and Luke have been trying to get ahold of Brooke and Rebekkah for hours. Are you with them?" Cal's voice came.

"Cal, you need to help us! We are in an abandoned alleyway near the park. You need to hurry! Rebekkah, Brooke, and I are injured badly and I'm pretty sure Rebekkah is have an asthma attack!" CC pleaded. Then after that, all three girls passed out again.

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