Chapter 8: You Will Have To Know About Our Past

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Ash, Luke, and Tanner walked into the hospital room where the girls stayed. The three girls looked up in the faces of the boys that hurt them, but saved them.

"If you really want to get to know us, you will have to know about our past." CC said. The boys took a seat on the chairs in the room.

"It all started five years ago!" Brooke began.

Three eleven year old girls were playing in the water if the lake. Having a water fight. They splashed and splashed until they were splashed by someone doing a cannon ball.

"Hey! No fair dad!" Rebekkah whined. Her dad came over and picked her up over his shoulder. The three girls laughed at Rebekkah's dad's action. He then threw Rebekkah back in the water playfully. Brooke and CC then tackled her and she was, once again, back underwater. The man chuckled at this, laughing at the three girls in the water.

"Come on girls! Time to dry off." CC's mom called. They all came and dried off, including Rebekkah's dad. Then they all piled in the van and started to drive home. It got dark and they started to turn a Sharp corner on the mountain. Bright headlights blinded their eyes and they crashed. The three eleven year olds screamed and then, silence.

The next time they woke up, they were in the hospital.

"Where's mommy and daddy!" They cried for the parents. The doctor had sadness in his eyes.

" I'm sorry girls, but your parents didn't make the crash. You three are the only survivors. The three girls started crying, tears making a waterfall down their cheeks. After a couple weeks, they were released from the hospital and went into an orphanage. They ran away from there and started fending for themselves. They started living in an old abandoned house and earned money by doing jobs. They walked dogs and babysat, until they were old enough to get jobs on a daily basis.

People then started to treat them badly. Blaming them for their parents deaths. They were the ones who wanted to stay longer. People started abusing them, mentally and physically when they had the chance. They then started to become quiet and unknown, the girls hardly trusted anyone anymore.

"That's our past!" CC said as they finished telling their tale.

"So, all these years. People have blamed you for your parents deaths and have abused you?" Tanner asked.

"Yeah, and we have put up with it. We learned how to fight a bit and how to escape." Rebekkah replied.

"So, now you know our past! What are you going to do, tell everyone now!" Brooke said sternly.

"No! We are going to keep it a secret and stand by you girls if anything happens!" Luke announced. The three girls looked at each other and had a silent conversation with their eyes. They look back to the boys and nodded.

"We will give you a chance!" CC said.

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