Chapter 7: They Saved Your Lives

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It's been a month and Luke, Tanner, and Ash have still been trying to become friends with the girls. But the girls are stubborn, it will take a lot for them to become friends. The boys couldn't find the three brunettes so they asked a lady walking down the street, they see its Mrs. Miller. Everyone knows each other in Dorsendale so she must know them.

"Excuse, Mrs. Miller?" Luke said. She turned around and brought her attention to the three boys.

"Have you seen Brooke, CC, or Rebekkah near here?" Ash asked.

"Who? I don't know anybody by those names, let alone know they live in Dorsendale!" Then she walked off.

"Wow! They are really the three girls people don't know!" Tanner remarked. The boys continue used looking and decided to look at the abandoned house. They arrived and saw some lights on. No one lives here. They hear creaking and jumped to hide in a bush. The three girls they are looking for walked out of the house. They three boys stared at the girls. Ash staring at Rebekkah, Luke staring at Brooke, and Tanner staring at CC. They grown major crushes, they don't know that the girls, feel the exact same way.

The three girls walked into the alleys, unaware of being followed by Ash, Luke, and Tanner. A man then jumped out and starting fighting them. In defence, the girls threw punches and kicks. Each girl got stabbed once and fell unconcoius in the first two minutes. The boys came in and took down the man. They each picked up a girl bridal style and ran to the nearby hospital. They rushed in and the paramedics took it from there. The boys walked into the waiting room and waited.

Rebekkah opened her eyes to be blinded by the flourescent white and the smell of chemicals burned her nose. She looked around the room to see she is in the hospital. Brooke and CC woke up also and they looked at each other.

"Not again!" They groaned together. Dr. Smith walked in with a smile.

"I'm glad to see you girls awake! You will be able to go home by tomorrow." She informed.

"Dr. Smith, not to be rude, but, how did we get here?" CC asked.

"Three boys brought you here after you three got stabbed. Their names are Tanner, Luke, and Ash. They saved your lives!" The. She walked out.

The girls eyes widened. They looked at each other in shock. The three idiots, the boys that have been bullying them for years, saved them.

"Is it true?" Brooke asked.

"I don't know!" Rebekkah replied.

"All I remember is falling unconcoius after feeling a sharp pain in my side, then I woke up here!" CC said.

"Same!" Rebekkah and Brooke exclaim.

"Maybe they do really want to be friends!" Brooke points.

"Should we give them a chance?" Rebekkah asked her two best friends. The three girls nodded, agreeing that they will give the three boys a chance.

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