Chapter 5: What Have We Ever Done To You

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Brooke, Rebekkah, and CC are walking to their first class, English. Rebekkah is excited, but CC and Brooke groan in boredom. They reach their class and come to a stop, in the back row, sitting there is Ash, Luke, and Tarren. The only open seats are infront of them. The girls took their seats cautiously and listened in one the lesson. Halfway through the class, each girl got a note. They opened it and tears started building in their eyes. The note said:

Your so ugly, no wonder your parents left you!

Each girl looked at each other. No one treated them nicely.

"MS. ASHLEY, MS. KEAY, MS. NICOLE! Pay attention and stop crying like crybabies!" Mrs. Gradyn yelled at the three saddened girls. They timidly nodded their heads even though they were already paying attention. The boys on the other hand, this was their first time to hear the teacher yell at them. This is the first year they have classes with each other. The girls didn't do anything, the teacher just turned around and yelled at them cruelly. That happened in the next class, the teacher racked at them even though they didn't do anything.

Lunch came and girls went out to the field and sat down. They started to cry silently because of the note from first class. The boys walked up to them.

"Hey nerds!" Luke smirked.

"What have we ever done to you?" CC whispered.

"What?" Tanner asked. The girls blood boiled, it seemed they are going to break their timid reputation. Their going o blow.

"SHE SAID WHAT HAVE WE EVER DONE TO YOU!" Rebekkah yelled. Turning her tear stained faced towards the startled 16 year old boys. They got a glimpse of the waterfall of tears falling from the girls eyes, they are the cause of this.


"Our life is already a living hell!" Brooke, CC, and Rebekkah said in unison. Tears still falling silently. The boys then see the girls with new eyes, they see girls with their souls broken.

"Do you want to know what happened to our parents! Their dead! They died when we were eleven, five years they've been dead!" CC yelled.

"After they died, our lives have been hell. People started treating us like trash. They pushed us aside, then we became quiet. We didn't let ourselves to be known to many people, in fear that they beat us. Worse kill us, we don't know why people do this." Brooke explained.

"So we are asking now! What have we ever done to you three to hate us, to beat us until we can't walk or breathe?" Rebekkah questioned. The boys just stayed silent.

"Just as we thought!" CC said and they walked away. Leaving three dumbfounded guys in the middle of the school field. Next class is music class, all three girls love music class.

"Ok class, today, we are going to sing a song in groups of three. First up will be Cassidy Keay, Rebekkah Nicole, and Brooke Ashley."

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