Chapter 10: The Game

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The girls walked out in their gear. Today, they are facing the Vervalley Vipers! The Dragons stepped out into the ice, skating around before starting warm up. Brooke, CC, and Rebekkah turned their heads to the stands and see Ash, Tanner, and Luke waving in the stands. Smiles spread on their faces at the support.

After five minutes, the game started. The Vipers got the ring first and passed over the blue line. Their center for it and did a beeline for the net, CC came and body checked the girl. The referee called on her for a body checking penalty. Brooke and Rebekkah snickered as their best friend steps into the penalty box. CC gives them the stop-laughing-your-ass-off look, but that just made them laugh more.

The boys are in the stands, cheering them on as they play the game. Rebekkah blocks lots of shots as Brooke scored three goals on the other teams goalie. The score came down to 10-0 for the Dragons. Everyone cheered and screamed for them. The girls walked off the ice and changed into their clothes. In the change room, the whole team was singing.

It's getting hot in here
So take off all your gear

When the girls walked into the lobby after showering in the change room showers. They see the boys with open arms. Rebekkah, Brooke, and CC smile and run into their arms, dropping all their stuff.

"You guys came!" They squealed.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Luke smiled. That earned grins from each of the girls. After that, they all went out to eat then went back home to play truth or dare.

"Who goes first?" Brooke asked.

"I will, Rebekkah, truth or dare!" CC asked.

"Dare!" Rebekkah replied. CC smirked evilly.

"I dare you to kiss Ash on the cheek!" CC dared. Rebekkah's eyes widened. CC and Brooke know she has a crush on Ash, now she has to kiss his cheek. Her cheeks turned fifty shades of red and pink, so did Ash. She cautiously walked over to him and leaned to kiss his cheek. When she was just about to kiss his cheek, he turned his head and his lips went on hers.

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