Chapter 15: Back At The Place Of Death

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Brooke fluttered her eyes open to be blinded by flourescent white. She looked around to see she is in a hospital room but a curtain is drawn around her bed. She feels a breathing tube around her face and an I.V drip at her bedside. A heart monitor is hooked up to her to measure her heart beats. A nurse comes through the curtain and greets her.

"Hello dear, I'm glad to see you awake. My name is Mary and I am going to be your nurse. Now, you have been through multiple surgeries while your were out and will have to stay here until you are fully healed." She explains. Brooke nods her head.

"Has any girls named Rebekkah Nicole or Cassidy Keay been submitted here?" Brooke asked in worry for her sisters.

"Ah yes! Both you and Cassidy have lung infections from the lack of oxygen since you both didn't have your inhalers. You had an attack without know. But Rebekkah, her asthma is quite serious, we are not sure about her. We are afraid of the worst but hoping for the best. She is in surgery right now currently." Mary informed Brooke. She nodded slowly, taking in all the information. Mary smiled and went through the curtains, leaving Brooke alone.

Great, we are back at the place of death, Brooke though to herself. The hospital is the exact same place where their parents died. Time passed and the curtain lifted again to reveal Luke, he looked like he barely got any sleep.

"How are you?" He asked Brooke.

"Let's see, I'm in the hospital because a bunch of guys attacked me and my best friends for no apparent reason. I'm just doing great!" Brooke answered sarcastically. Luke chuckled at his girlfriend's response to his simple question.

"Where is Ash and Cal?" Brooke asked.

"Cal is with CC and Ash is freaking out because Rebekkah has been in surgery since yesterday." Luke responded, a frown crossing his face.

"What's wrong?" Brooke asked worried.

"We received some news that Rebekkah isn't doing too well. When she had her attack, it was bad enough that it almost killed her. If she had taken her emergency inhaler, she would have been fine. You and CC have lung infections from your asthma, you should heal in time." Luke explained.

"What the hell! The nurse should have told me this! Why didn't she tell me about Rebekkah!" Brooke freaked.

"She didn't want you nor CC to stress."Luke said. Brooke calmed down and just stared at the ceiling.

-week later-

Brooke and CC have been move in to a room together while Rebekkah is in another department. They are able to walk again and they visit her everyday.

"Come on Brooke, let's walk down to see Rebekkah, Ash and the guys must be there by now." CC said, grabbing her breathing tube. Brooke nodded and grabbed her own oxygen tank on rollers. They walked slowly down to the unit where their sister is held. About halfway there, they bump into Ash, Luke, and Cal. They all hug eachother and exchange sad smiles that turn quickly back into frowns. They slowly walk to the room where their friend is held. The two girls open the door to see their best friend laying still in a hospital bed. The boys quickly walk in after them. Tears brim the girls eyes, they don't like crying. It's been over a week, the doctors have said there has been barely any response from her.

"Rebekkah, whatever you do, don't die on us!" Brooke said shakily.

"If you, oh, you will be in so much trouble. Instead of going to heaven, you will go to hell!" CC joked. They turned away, but quickly turned back when they hear a weak voice.

"Who said anything about dying. Hell, death will have to kick my ass to get me away from my sisters." They turn to see Rebekkah smiling weakly. Brooke and CC rush to her and give her a bone crushing hug.

"Ow, ow, guys, could you lighten it up a bit?" Rebekkah asked as she winced in pain. They gently let her go and the boys hugged her, gently! The six teenagers smiled, soon, the three girls will be out of the hospital and everything will be ok, hopefully!

"Now, can someone tell me why we are still at the place of death?" Rebekkah asked. It was silent for a second until the six burst out laughing.

The Three Girls People Don't KnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora