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Sana wouldn't write that. At least I don't think.


I heard my phone ring and ran downstairs. I saw that Sana was calling me. I answered her call. "Hello?" "Y/n?" "Yeah what's up?" "Is Mina home?" "Yeah she is." "Okay thanks" "Wait Sana did you send me a gift?" "No why?" "Because I got a package and it said it was from you" "I don't remember sending you something. What was in it?" "A pretty sweatshirt." I said as I picked the sweatshirt up. "I don't remember giving you that." "There was also a note in it Sana." "Well I definitely didn't send you that. What did the note say?"

I picked up the note that I left in the box. "I hope you love this Y/n. Meet me in the park tonight at 10 pm with this. Your friend" "Well that wasn't me I don't remember writing anything like that." "Well what should I do? Should I go or should I not?" "Well I don't know. You should decide that yourself. But Y/n I have to go." "Okay I'll call you later" I hung up the phone and stared at the note.

What should I do?

I decided that I should just go and see what was going to happen. But as I was in the middle of deciding I remembered that I was going to meet Hoseok. I ran downstairs and grabbed my purse. I went to my car and drove to the park he said that we would meet at. When I arrived I looked around for Hoseok. I parked my car and got out so I could see better. I eventually found him sitting with 2 other guys. I couldn't really see their faces because they had hoods on covering the top half of their faces. I started walking towards Hoseok. I saw him look at me and smile. One of the guys turned around to looked at me.

Omg he's super cute.

I saw his face. He had a lip piercing, his ears pierced and his lips had a light strawberry color to them, His lips also looked really glossy. I couldn't see his eyes that good but they looked dark. Maybe brown. I looked at what he was wearing. He had on black sweatpants, a dark gray hoodie with his hood up hiding his face and black vans. His outfit was not the best but it looked good on him.

No! Don't think about that! You just met him!

"Y/n are you there?" Hoseok asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes yes sorry" "Oh Hi Y/n" The other guy turned around and spoke to me. It was Yoongi. "Hi Yoongi" I smiled at him. "Oh and this is Kim Hyunwoong but he goes by Daniel" "Oh hello" "I have to leave now" Daniel said

Wow his voice is a lot deeper than I expected.

"Oh okay bye" Daniel walked away from us fast.

Does he have a problem with me?

"Did I make him leave?" I asked both of them. They both looked at each other and shook their heads. "Don't worry Y/n, you didn't do anything wrong" Hoseok said "Oh okay" There was a long silence between us until Yoongi's phone rang. "Hello?" He said as he picked up the phone. He walked away from us so we couldn't hear him. "Hoseok" "Hm?" "Why did it seem like Daniel didn't like me?" "No he's just like that. It's not just you" "Oh okay that makes me feel better"

"Uh guys I have to leave" Yoongi came back over to us. "Oh okay see you tomorrow" Hoseok said. I waved to Yoongi as he walked away from us. "Well what should we do now?" I asked Hoseok. "Where did you get that sweater?" "Oh it was on my front stoop when I went home." "Oh" He looked down at the ground. "Is there something wrong Hoseok?" I put my hand on his chin and moved his head up a little. "No" "Oh why do you look sad then?" "I'm not Y/n" He took my hand off of his chin.

Is he mad?

"Hoseok can I ask you something?" "Sure" I sat down on the bench and patted the seat next to me. "I got a letter that came with this sweatshirt, and I want your opinion on this" "Okay tell me" I let out a deep breath. "Okay so whoever gave this sweatshirt to me wants to meet me here at 10 pm tonight and I think that I should go" "Alone!?" Hoseok looked at me worried "Well yeah" "Y/n dont be stupid. Don't go alone to something like that!" "Well are you saying you want to come with me?" "No I didn't say that" "Well would you come with me then" "Sure why not Y/n"

*Ring Ring*

I checked my phone to see if someone was calling me. "It's not mine Hoseok" "Oh then it's mine. Do you mind it I take this?" "No" He got up from his seat and walked a little ways away. I could hear him though. I couldn't make out much of what he was saying but it sounded like he was talking about someone.

"Yes i'm trying to stay on the plan" "Shes different from the other girls" "Not my fault she's the one that got picked" "Whatever Daniel, It's not my problem" He hung up the phone and started walking back. I turned away quickly so he didn't notice I was listening. "What was that about?" "Work" "Oh" "I think I should get going Y/n. I'll see you later?" "Yeah okay. I'll send you my address so you can pick me up" "Okay see you later"

He got up quickly and started heading towards the cars but then turned away from them.

*Buzz Buzz*

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and saw I got a text. I opened it only to see that the unknown number texted me again.

"Wait I thought I blocked them" I said to myself

*From Unknown*
You look really good in that sweatshirt princess

Where is this creep at! I've had enough!

This is kind of longer but it's okay. Hope you guys like it! 

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