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"What do you mean maybe?" I asked him "I just mean maybe" He stared at me "Are we going or not Y/n" "Yes, but how are you taking me?" "A car what do you think?" "Oh right" He grabbed my arm and led me outside. It was sunny out, no clouds in the sky. It was warmer than I had thought. "Daniel, I'm going to need a lot of clothes and other stuff you know that right?" "Yes I do princess" He opened the door to a black truck and told me to sit. I got in and sat. He slammed the door shut and made his way around to the other door. He put the key in the ignition but didn't start the truck.

"Y/n there is going to be rules now" "Ugh I'm not 5" "I don't care and as you know I could easily just kill you on the spot and I'm sure that no one will miss you" He gave me a evil smile. "Fine. What are your rules or whatever." "Don't talk to anyone but me and you're staying with me at all times. You got it Y/n?" I didn't respond. "You got it!?" He grabbed my arm. "Yeah I get it." He let go of my arm and started the truck. We drove for I don't even know how long until we had eventually arrived at a store. There was hardly any people there, Which I guess was good. I hopped out of the truck and put the mask and hat on.

He grabbed my arm. "What?" I tried to pull my arm away but his grasp was to hard. "What did I say earlier?" "Yeah whatever, I'm not 5" He tightened his grip. "Stop your hurting me." I slapped his arm. "Don't you dare slap me Y/n" He slapped my arm then let go of it. "Stay with me you got it?" "Yeah yeah I got it." He pushed me in front of him and I started walking to the entrance. The store was actually bigger than I thought. It had everything ( food, clothes, makeup, etc.) "Come on! Move" Daniel slammed the cart into me. "What was that for?" "Hurry it up" "I can take all the time I want don't rush me" "No hurry it up" He slammed the cart into me again. "Stop it Daniel" I slammed the cart into him. Everyone was staring at us. I walked off into some aisle and Daniel followed me.

"Hey" "What" I looked at him, He was looking at hair dye. "No way I am not dying my hair." I shook my head at him. He glared at me. "Yes you are" "No I don't want to" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. Did he put on cologne? "Y/n you know why you're wearing the stuff you have on?" He whispered in my ear. "Yeah yeah I do" "If you dye your hair, maybe i'll let you do something" "Like what Daniel?" "I don't know Ill let you know okay?" "Fine" I threw a box of blonde hair dye into the cart and walked into the makeup aisle. I put lipstick and mascara into the cart. Daniel looked at me. "Might as well try and do something" He looked at me confused.

I went to the clothes section and picked out some socks, shirts and hoodies. "Daniel?" "What?" "Can I try on pants?" "Yeah I guess" I grabbed a few pairs and went into the changing room. No one else was in there. I guess that was a good thing? I tried on the pants and went out a few minutes later. Daniel was standing with the cart waiting for me to get out. "You done yet?" "Trying on stuff?" "Yeah" "Yeah, I'm done" I put the pants into the cart and went off into the bra section. I definitely didn't want to be shopping for bras with him. I was looking around and couldn't help but notice Daniel looking at me. "Stop staring" "Could you just hurry up, I don't wanna be in this section." "I'm trying, You can wait for me?" "Fine but you only get 5 minutes alone" "Okay" He walked into the aisle and stood there not taking his eyes off of me. I went to get new underwear and some more bras.

I hate shopping with guys. They make me so uncomfortable shopping for girly products. I walked to him and put the items into the cart. "I don't think I need anything else." "Okay" He walked up to the register and got everything rang up. While we were standing there I noticed someone familiar. I couldn't see her that well but I could tell it was Sana. I wanted to scream her name but I knew I couldn't. Not like she would notice me right away anyways. "Grab the bags and let's go." I grabbed the bags and followed Daniel. I got into the car and set the bags in the backseat. He got into the car and drove us back. We got back and he didn't say anything to me.

Did I do something? I followed him in and entered after him closing the door behind me. I threw the hat and mask on the table near the door. Yoongi and Jimin were sitting at the table discussing something? Hoseok was in the living room sleeping on the couch. I went to Daniel's room and set the bags down. I heard them talking from the room. "What's your problem Daniel?" Jimin said "Nothing" Daniel angrily shot back "No your mad" "It's her!" I walked out into the kitchen. "What could you possibly be mad at me for! I didn't do anything" I yelled at him "Youre the one that kidnapped me. I have no choice but to be here." I felt tear fall. I quickly wiped it away. "Y/n-" "No! Leave me alone" I ran into my room and slammed the door shut. I threw myself on the bed and started crying.

There was a knock on the door. "Y/n it's me. Can I come in?" It was Hoseok, I guess he heard what happened. "Yeah" He opened the door and I got up, Wiping the tears away. "Are you okay?" "No do you really think I am?" "No, I'm sorry Y/n" "Sorry?" I looked at him. "Yes I'm sorry. Honestly I don't think that we should've kidnapped you." "You don't?" "No" "Hoseok I just want to go home" Tears were falling down my face again. Hoseok sat next to me on the bed and gave me a hug. "What's this for?" "You seem like you need it" He let go of me. "But you know Y/n I can't let you leave" "Yeah I know but why does Daniel hate me?" "He doesn't hate you" "Then why does he act like it. I didn't choose to come here you know" "Yes I know that. We still haven't figured out why he wants you here, he won't tell us" "Oh"

There were footsteps coming closer to the room. "Hoseok come out here" It was Jimin. "Y/n could you stay here" I nodded my head. They walked into the kitchen, I went to the doorway and listened in. "Daniel she's upset, What's your problem with her?" I heard Hoseok say "Nothing" Daniel sounded mad. "Stop making her upset" "It wasn't my plan to" "Okay Daniel, why did you bring her here then?" "I don't know"

He brought me here for no reason? "What do you mean you don't know" "You wanna know why?! Fine i'll give you the fucking reason. I like her"


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