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"Here, take this" He threw one of his baggy t-shirts and some baggy shorts. "Thanks" I walked back to the bathroom and locked the door. I put on the shirt and paused realizing I didn't have clean underwear to throw on. "Well that's great, I'll improvise" I threw the ones I had on into the sink and washed them with soap that was in bathroom. As soon as they were clean I dried them with a hairdryer that was surprisingly in the bathroom. Obviously when they were dry I put them on, along with the shorts Daniel had gave me. I grabbed a hair brush and brushed my hair fast. I hope they don't mind.

I went out with my dirty clothes and went to the guys. "Um what do I do with these?" I said catching everyone off guard. "I'll take them" Hoseok came to me and took my clothes and went somewhere with them. I noticed Daniel kept staring at me. Now I felt self conscious. "What are you guys eating for dinner?" I spoke up. "Um we don't have much, but whatever is in the cabinets you can eat." I walked to a cabinet and could feel all the guys staring at me. I grabbed a cup of ramen and placed it on the counter. Daniel grabbed it. "That's not yours-" "Technically it is" "Whatever" "Let her eat it I can get more" Hoseok was walking by and took the ramen from Daniel and handed it to me. "Thanks?" I boiled some water and put in the cup waiting for it to be ready. As soon as it was I took some chopsticks and the cup and walked to the living room.

Daniel had followed me. Of course. "Why do you keep following me." "Because I don't know if your going to try and escape or something so I need to keep a eye on you princess." I kept eating and didn't look at him, yet I knew he was staring at me. "Can you stop" I yelled at him "What i'm not doing anything" "Stop staring at me, its creepy" I walked back into the kitchen and threw the cup and chopsticks away. It was now 10 pm. Already? Jimin was sitting at the table watching a movie I think. "Jimin?" "Hm?" He looked up. "Where do I sleep?" "I don't know ask Daniel" I sighed walking back to the living room. He was sitting in the same position but with a phone in his hand.

"Daniel" He put his phone down and looked at me. "Where am I going to sleep?" "In my room." I looked at him. "It's farther away than the other rooms so if Jungkook's crew come back you'll be fine." "Okay fine" We walked to his room and he changed his sheets, which made me more comfortable. "There" His bed was big enough to fit two people and there was no way i was taking chances. I put my hair up into a bun and laid in the middle of the bed and dozed off into sleep not to long after.


"Why are you obsessed with her?" Jimin asked me. "I'm not why are you saying that" We were sitting in the living room. Which was far enough from my room, so Y/n couldn't hear what we were talking about. "You are, you always wanna be around her" "so" "It's weird" Yoongi was coming from the kitchen with water for Jimin and himself. "Actually Daniel its not weird it's creepy" "It's not" I said "Would you guys stop yelling i'm trying to sleep!" Hoseok yelled from his room "Where are you even going to sleep Daniel your 'princess' is taking up your bed" Yoongi shot me a look. "I don't know i'll figure it out"

I walked to my room and saw her peacefully sleeping. She looked so pure. I went to my dresser and grabbed some shorts but I guess I must've closed it to loud. "What was that?" Y/n said rubbing her eyes. "Sorry I was getting clothes" "Oh, Are you changing in here!?" She looked nervous. "What no, You're in here" "Oh right, Are you sleeping in here?" I didn't bother to say anything. Knowing that I definitely wanted to sleep in my own room. She stared at me, definitely wondering what I was going to do. "I can sleep on the couch, if you want me to" She looked at me. "No i'll sleep on the couch even tho it's uncomfortable as hell" I walked out of my room and to the couch.

This stupid thing is so uncomfortable.

I found a comfortable position and went to sleep.


I woke up and felt the nightstand for my phone. "Huh?" Oh right I probably had a thousand text messages from Sana. "Are you up?" A familiar voice said "Mhm" I got up and walked to the kitchen. There was a faint smell of vanilla in the air. The guys were making what Im guessing was pancakes.

"Oh hey Y/n, I didn't know you were up." "I just got up" Daniel wasn't up yet, making feel more comfortable. He was sleeping on the couch looking uncomfortable as hell. "Here" I stoped looking at Daniel and looked at the plate that was being handed to me. The pancakes weren't burned as I thought they would be. I grabbed the plate from Jimin's hand. "Thanks" I ate the pancakes up whole and put my plate into the sink. I sat in a empty chair in the kitchen and just decided to just watch the guys make a mess with the pancake batter. I couldn't help but laugh.

I didn't notice Daniel get up and he scared me. "Oh when did you get up?" "Just now, I cant sleep when there's all this racket behind me when i'm trying to sleep." He gave a death stare to the guys. "Not our fault you slept on the couch." Daniel sat down in the seat next to me." "Your hair is pretty" "Oh thanks" I smiled at him. "Oh um I'm going to need clothes you know that right?" "Yeah and?" "Are you going to get them for me or?" "I don't know, I don't know your size and i'm guessing you need everything, don't you Y/n?" "Yeah I do because all my clothes are at my apartment!" "Fine i'll think about it." "Okay" There was a silence between us. He grabbed my bun. "What the hell are you doing?" I turned around "I wanted to see if your hair was soft" I gave him a death stare and turned back around. "Would guys not fight in the kitchen" Jimin looked at me then Daniel.

"Hey Jimin" I shot Daniel a look. "What?" Jimin looked at me "Will you take me shopping for clothes?" "Um Yeah but Yoongi's gonna have to come with" "Why do I have to go i'm perfectly fine here" "I cant go alone with her okay" "Whatever fine" "It's fine ILL take her" Daniel shot me a dirty look but it was fine knowing that I was getting clothes that would fit me. "When are we going?" "I don't know, why you can't wear your clothes from the other day again?" "I'm not wearing those for the rest of my life here" "Well whatever i'll let you know, we'll go today. But Y/n you're following my rules when we are out you got it?" "Yeah whatever" I got up and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and started jumping up and down.

Getting new clothes was my favorite thing, and getting a whole new wardrobe was better(not under the circumstances but you know nice). I came out of the bathroom and saw Daniel standing there. "You good?" "Yeah i'm fine" I walked past him and into his room. My clothes were laying on the bed, I guess someone did the laundry. I was going to change in the room but when I went to lock the door there wasn't a lock on the door. Oh I get no privacy in this house? I changed really fast and luckily no one came in. I went out of the room and Daniel was standing there with my hoodie, a mask and a hat.

"Uh what are those for?" I grabbed my hoodie but nothing else. "So no one knows you" "I don't think anyone would in the first place but okay?" I grabbed the mask and the hat. "Also that hoodie looks nice on you Y/n" "Were you the one that gave it to me?"


can you guys stop being silent readers :(

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