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He likes me? no he's just kidding why would he like me.. does he really.

"No way Daniel do you really?" Yoongi asked "Yes" He replied. I sat down on the floor. No there's no way. I stormed out of the room and stopped right in the door way of the kitchen. "Was that true?" I looked Daniel straight in the eyes.  "You heard that.." He replied. He came over to me and kissed my lips.

I quickly opened my eyes. It was a dream. Thank god. It was dark in the room. It must be night now. I wonder how long I was sleeping. I got up and went to the kitchen. Yoongi was sitting at the table, reading a book. "Oh hey Y/n" He said once he noticed me. "Hey" There was a dead silence between us. "Yoongi?" He hummed in response. "Before I fell asleep what happened?" "Why you ask" "I don't remember" "Oh.. Well i'm sorry Y/n but I dont know what you last heard. Maybe ask Hoseok" "Yoongi did Daniel say something about me?" "Why.." "Just please answer" "Maybe" "Yoongi!" I slammed the table with my hand. He jumped.

"Fine, He said he liked you, but that was it." "Oh okay, thanks" I walked back to my room and turned on a lamp. I grabbed my bag of clothes and went to the bathroom to change. So that was true? He does like me... I changed into some pajamas and walked back to the room. I set the bag down and turned off the lamp. I crawled into the bed. I pulled the blanket on top of me and tried to drift into sleep, Until I felt something hit me in the back. I turned around to see someone laying there. "Ah!" I screamed. The person got up and looked at me. "Would you shut up." It was Daniel "What are you doing in here?" "It's my room isn't it?" "Yeah but-" "But what? It's my bed I can sleep in it if I want to"

I stared at him. He had a point. "No way I am going to sleep in the same bed as you. I can't" I said walking to the bed. "Fine then go sleep on the couch." "No" "Well then not my problem" He got in the bed and pull the blankets over him. I hate him so much. I wasn't going to sleep on the couch. I just had to suck it up and sleep in the bed, And I did. I walked up slowly and got in the bed, placing the blankets over me. I felt him turn over and hug me. "What are you-" I turned over to see him sleeping. "Oh" I left him alone and tried to go to sleep. I couldn't. I could feel him breathing on my neck. "Daniel" I turned around to be met with our noses almost touching.

I stared at his sleeping face. He looked so harmless. I was to in daze to notice that he had woke up and was staring at me. "And what are you looking at princess?" I didn't know what to say. "Speechless?" "No" I tried to get up but couldn't due to Daniel still holding on to me. "Let me go" "Why?" "Because I don't want you holding on to me." "But you didn't try to leave my arms earlier" He was right. I mean I may like the presence of his arms but not the presence of him. "Just can you please not" He took his arms away and flipped around. He was probably mad.

"Are you mad?" There was no response. He's definitely mad. "Go to sleep Y/n" Yeah he's definitely mad at me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up to arms around me again. He was holding on to me tightly, I'm surprised I can even breathe. I moved slightly trying to tell him to let go of me, but it was no use. I tried turning around but I couldn't. "Daniel let go" He wouldn't let go. I tried moving again, but his grip became tighter. "Hey" He whispered in my ear. "Daniel let go" "Why princess?" "Please I wanna get up and eat something" "Fine" He let me go and I got up. I went to the kitchen and sat down at the table with Jimin. "How did you sleep?" He asked me "Fine I guess" "Was Daniel bothering you?" "Yeah but it was fine after." "I saw him cuddling with you" "No you didnt" My face turned red. "Y/n all of us saw that"

"You know Y/n he likes you" "Yeah.. I asked Yoongi yesterday because I thought I imagined him saying that he liked me" "Nope" "Hey Jimin" Daniel suddenly said making me jump. "Hey Daniel" "Are the others up?" "They went to the store to buy some things" "Oh alright" He went into the fridge and took out some eggs. "Y/n do you want some eggs?" "Sure" He made me, himself and Jimin some eggs and gave them to us. "Since when do you cook?" Jimin asked him. "I can cook!" Daniel slapped him in the head. I could help but laugh. "What are you laughing at!" Jimin yelled at me. "Nothing!" Daniel sat in the seat next to me.

"Who said you could sit there?" I asked him "I did. It's my house after all." I rolled my eyes. Jimin looked at me. I got the message. Why is Daniel so clingy to me tho? I finished my food and put my plate in the sink. I went to my room to change. I grabbed some clothes out of the bag when something fell out. I picked it up and saw the hair dye that I forgot we had bought. I know I can't do this myself. I grabbed my clothes and the box of hair dye and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and stared at the box. I changed my clothes and brought the box into the kitchen. Can one of you help me with this?

"I ca-" "I'll do it" Daniel cut Jimin off. "Okay" He followed me into the bathroom. "Do you know what to do?" I asked him "Yeah i've dyed my hair before" "Okay" He grabbed a towel and placed it on my shoulders. I sat down on the toilet and let Daniel get the stuff that was needed.

-Time skip-

After an hour, I checked my hair.  It was different but I liked it. "Head in the sink I have to rinse it" "Okay" I put my head down and he turned on the water. His hands felt nice thru my hair. After a few minutes he pulled my head from the sink and put a towel on it, drying my hair. "Thanks" "You're welcome" After it was dry he took the towel from me and told me to go to the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen to find Yoongi and Hoseok sitting there now with Jimin. "Hey" "Oh Y/n you dyed your hair?" Yoongi said "Yeah.. do you not like it?" "No no it looks nice" "I did a good job right?" Daniel put his arm around my shoulder. "You did that?" Hoseok asked "Yeah"

"Oh Y/n we got you something" Hoseok reached into a bag. "For me?" "Yeah" He pulled out a stuffed frog. I immediately grabbed it. "I love it. Thank you" "I told you she'd like it" Yoongi immediately looked at Daniel. "You told them to get this?" I looked at Daniel. "Yeah I noticed that your mostly hugging something when you sleep so." "I'm not the only person" I rolled my eyes and he slapped me. "But thank you though" I looked at him. He nodded his head at me. I went to my room to lay down because I was still tired.

I layed down back facing the door way. I heard the door open but I didn't look to see who it was, I knew it was Daniel. "What?" "Sleep well princess" He kissed my forehead. That immediately made me blush. I fell asleep when I calmed down.

i'm sorry i haven't written this in awhile. I had lost my motivation to write for awhile. but dw i'm back now

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