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Jai didn't really know how to react. No one had ever used the word 'attractive' to describe him. His mother had once called him handsome, but that was when he was young. One thing did come into his mind for him to say though. 
 "Band auditions? Where do I sign up?" He asked, a massive grin on his face, possibly even bigger than his father's permanent one. 
 "Um, go and ask Mandy over there. I'll come with you if you want." Lily smiled at Jai and Jai nodded, smiling back. Lily got up along with Kayla and they both started walking towards a group of people. Jai followed behind, trying to dry himself off a little bit. "Mandy, this is Jai. He'd like to audition." Mandy, a beautiful young woman with ice blue eyes and peach coloured hair, smiled at Jai before scribbling something down on the clipboard she was holding. 
 "Okay, Jai, what's your surname?" Mandy asked, glaring at Jai with a smile on her face. 
 "Woods. Jai Woods. And, by the way, Jai is spelt J-A-I." Jai explained, smiling back at Mandy and biting his lip. "Thanks." Muttered Jai as Lily led him towards the stage. "Is there a guitar I can borrow?" He asked, and Lily pointed to a brown acoustic guitar on a stand behind him. Jai nodded, and went over and picked it up, strumming it gently. He coughed, and began to play. 
 Back at the mansion, everything was crazy. The storm was still strong outside, and Rochelle was getting worried about Jai. 
 "He'd come home if it got this bad outside, wouldn't he?" Rochelle asked Jeff, clutching his arm tightly. Jeff was sure that it would leave a mark. "Jeff, he would, wouldn't he?" 
 "Well, yeah, we'd hope at least..." Jeff began to trail off, not really caring anymore. 
 "Jeffrey Woods! That's you son out there. Don't pretend that you don't care!" Rochelle tried to yell, but it turned into tears quickly. Just then, the front door banged open, and in walked Eyeless Jack munching on a blood red kidney. "E.J, have you seen Jai?" 
 "No, sorry. I was at the village. Some kids in the village hall singing and playing the guitar, and he sounds flipping amazing." Eyeless Jack chuckled, taking another bite of the kidney in his hands, splattering blood almost everywhere. 
 "Wait... Singing? Playing guitar? You sure that wasn't Jai?" Rochelle asked, wiping the dried tears from her face. Eyeless Jack shrugged. "Jeff, go out and see, please.." Rochelle sighed, finally letting go of Jeff. Jeff wandered towards the door, and slipped outside into the wet and cold weather. 
 Jai put the guitar down as he finished singing. Everyone clapped him as he walked of the stage, smiling like he'd never smiled before. He went to stand by Lily and Kayla as Mandy got up on stage and began to announce who had made it into the band. 
 "Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we've had some amazing auditions today, but some have just blown me away. Now, the drummer I have chosen is Tyler Anderson! And then we have three guitarists who are also amazing singers! We have Adam Georges, Jai Woods and Micheal Frans! Well done everyone!" Mandy did a little clap and then got off the stage. Jai was speechless. He never thought he'd get into the band, and he was only auditioning for fun. Did he really want to be in a band? How was he going to tell his parents? 
 "Well done Jai!" Lily said, hugging Jai, a massive smile on her face. "Your in the band with my brother, Tyler. You'll have so much fun." Lily added, releasing Jai and beginning to walk over to a boy a little bit older than Jai. This must of been Tyler. Jai followed behind slowly and looked at Tyler. Two other boys were stood next to Tyler, and they were all older than Jai. 
 "Ty, this is Jai. He's your band mate." Lily said, pushing Jai in front of her. Tyler, a rather tall fellow with dark brown hair and eyes, looked down at Jai, and smiled slightly at him. 
 "Hi, Jai, I'm Tyler, this is Adam and Mikey. We're 15, and we know your 14 so there's not much difference." Tyler said, smiling all the while. Adam was about the same height as Jai and Mikey was just a bit taller. They all had dark brown hair but Mikey had blue eyes and Adam had green. 
 "Hi, I know that Tyler plays drums, but what guitars do you guys play?" Jai asked, removing a piece of hair from in front of his face. Mikey looked at Adam and raised his eyebrows slightly. 
 "Well, I play bass, and Adam plays electric. We both sing, of course. You play acoustic, right?"Mikey said and Jai nodded.
 "I can play electric too though. I also sing.." Jai said, trailing off. His eyes wandered over to the massive clock in the wall that almost read 11 o'clock. "Um, I really have to get home. I'll meet you guys here tomorrow at lunch time, kay?" Jai said running in the direction of the door. Mikey, Tyler, Adam and Lily all yelled bye as Jai ran through the door and into the pouring rain. Jai was going to be in so much trouble when he got home.. 

Welcome To The Family (Sequel to My Daddy Has No Face)Where stories live. Discover now