Full metal alchemist the diamond alchemists

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Chapter 1

[Update 2017: Author's note
Hey guys, it's been a very, very long time since I've been on here and I thought "why not check in?" Ya know, get that nostalgia. For past readers of this fanfic and readers to come I wanted to let you all know I'm sorry for the awful writing and poor grammar. I don't exactly remember how old I was when I made this story. I was very illiterate back then and letting my creative juices flow through fan-fiction help me a lot with that problem. I checked through the comments and saw there were some fans, some grammar police and some haters. I thank the fans and the ones that corrected me nicely but please if you feel the need to be rude or disrespectful please don't comment. It's very discouraging for young writers and others. It's heartbreaking to see someone quit doing what they love because someone discouraged them. Please be nice.
In that note, enjoy!]

     "Mom! H-hey mom!" A young girl, no older than the age of 9, ran up the steps of her home located within the northern region of Amestris to her mother who was watering an arrangement of the typical in-season flowers on their front porch. "Not even a chance to ask how your day at school was this time, huh dear?" The girl's mother crackled as she awaited her daughter to present whatever it was she was so obviously excited about.

     "Watch this!" The girl unraveled a neatly folded paper with some kinds of marks and circles on it from her bag along with a small block of wood, placing the items on the floor in front of her mother as she knelt down; the wood on top of the paper. She then placed her hands on the tips of the outer circle, causing sparks and small zaps of light to emerge from the very paper. Within an instant the sma block of wood formed into a perfectly shaped circle; asides from small imperfections due to the transmutation. "Oh my- who has shown you how to do this?" Her mother spoke in a more sincere tone of voice, but nothing too extravagant to alarm the little one. "Dad was telling me about it last night and I asked my teacher if she knew anything about it!" The young girl spoke with the same excitement she had been carrying all the way home.
"Ah, well, you should go inside and show him what you're able to do, Tora." Tora, the young girl, packed her items back into her bag and headed inside to go show off her new trick to her father, while her mother stayed outside. For her mother, this had been a large worry for her. She had sworn to never marry a man who preformed alchemy, and she was lucky she found one who didn't, yet still possessed the knowledge. And now, her daughter, the child she birthed doing such a thing? As if their family hadn't had enough problems for her to handle, this pushed the so loving mother over the edge.

     "Aye there, tiger! Hows-" Before Tora's father could finish his sentence he was pushed down further into his seat by the stomach as Tora jumped on to his lap for, what she thought was a tight bear hug. "Dad dad dad dad looook!" Once again, Tora had her belongings all over this place, this time on the table. After shoving aside a few colouring pencils and papers she managed to show the ball of wood and the transmutation circle that helped create it. "Ain't it cool!?"
"Well ain't that something, I'm proud of you! Think you can make another one?" Tora's father took hold of the ball and held it up in the light. For a first time transmutation, she formed it quite well.

(Edit in process)

After I did my homework I ran into my dad's office and searched the bookshelf for the book . "Ah-ha! I found you!" I brought the book to my room. 30 minutes later my mom brought my dinner to my room because I ignored her when she called for dinner.

25 minuets later

"Time to go to sleep!" My dad yelled. "Ok! Good night mom and dad!" I yelled back. I put a little paper in the page I was reading. I put some pajamas on and went to sleep hoping for a good weekend.

I woke up the next morning. I brushed my long Brownish blonde hair and put on some clothes. I walked into the kitchen and no one was in their so I walked into my parents' room. I saw my dad sitting with his hands over his face. "Dad what's wrong?" I asked in a soft voice. "Your mother left me for another man." He said with tears trickling down his face. I was sad but angry.

After that long day of sadness I heard a gun shot. "Dad...Dad what h-." Their was blood on the ground. A gun in my dad's hand and a note on the bed saying , I'm sorry... I'm sorry. Tears rain down my face as I read the note. "It's her fault... It's all her fault." I said in a soft sad voice. "Why? Why? Why did this have to happen to me? Why?" I went to my room and cried. I stopped crying and went to my father's office. I got all the books on alchemy looking for one that said how to bring a human back to life.

I quit school and got a job at a flower shop so I could make some money. I was walking home from work when I heard a meowing noise coming from a alley. I went into the alley and started Searching. I heard the meowing noise getting Louder so I started to run. I rain into someone Wearing armor. "Ouch, O I'm sorry for running into you sir." I said rubbing my Head." It's ok." He said "So,what are you doing in a alley?" He asked." I'm looking for a cat." I said. "What a coincidence I'm looking for It to." He said.

"So what's your name?" He asked." Tora. But you can call me tiger." I answered. "What's yours." I asked. "Alphonse but most people call me al for short." He replied. "Meow." We heard the cat meow. The cat was standing right by us. I picketed up the cat and started petting it." Do you want to hold it?" I asked. "Sure." Alphonse said. "Al!" Some short boy yelled While running towards us. "Al I Told you We don't have the things to take care of a cat." He said. "But brother." Alphonse replied .with a sad voice. "I'll take Care of it." I said. "You will" Alphonse said happily. "Ya" I said smiling. I handed him a paper saying where I work so he can come and see the cat.

I hope you enjoyed chapter 1
If you're interested in a better written FMA story please check out my new story:
Fullmetal Alchamist: Desert Rose!

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