The bright sunrise shone through the window and onto my bed, waking me up from my surprisingly peaceful sleep. 

I turned to look at the alarm glaring next to me.

7:03 am 

I groaned and got out of bed, and headed towards the small en-suite bathroom. 

The cool water flooded over my body as I hurriedly washed my hair and body in the shower, already running late for the day. 

I quickly towel dried my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail and then threw on a pair of black jeans and a shirt proudly displaying the orange Resistance logo on the arm. 

A soft knock on the door that Poe and I shared made me jump slightly. 

"y/n? you up?" 

"Hey Poe, yeah I am" I called back through the supposedly locked door. 

"You decent?" 

"Uh, yeah. why?" I questioned suspiciously. 

He opened the door and entered the room with a smile on his face. 

"How did yo-?"

"Oh I've known the code for the door since I moved in, I just never needed it until now." 

"Fair enough, c'mon let's grab some breakfast I'm starving."

"Sounds good, lead the way"

 As we walked down the hallway I heard the sound of the breakfast bell ringing in the distance. 

"C'mon, we're late!" I said, grabbing his hand to pull him along the corridor faster.


We arrived at the cafeteria panting as we had to run to the other side of the base to get there. I definitely didn't like that part about where I live now. 

I had almost forgotten about everything that had happened the previous day, so when I walked into the cafeteria I wasn't expecting the harsh glares coming my way, and the whispering and pointing my way. 

"Just ignore them." Poe told me as he handed me a tray. 

"Easier said than done, when practically the entire basing is staring at me." I replied, grabbing a plate of toast and a mug of caf. 

We made our way towards our usual table with the rest of our friends. 

"Morning y/n!" Ayla said in her usual kind tone of voice.

I wondered if she knew about my parents yet. 

I sat down in my usual spot next to her and across from Poe who sent me a reassuring smile before turning to talk to Snap. 

"Well good morning Your Highness, sleep well in your castle?" Hayden, a guy I'd barely spoken to although he was in Poe's squadron, greeted me sarcastically.  

I simply glared at him and hung my head down, eager to eat quickly and get out of there. I felt someone gently nudge my foot under the table and looked up to see Poe looking at me apologetically. 

"You ok?" he mouthed. 

I nodded and smiled sadly, turning back towards my food. 


After finishing my meal in silence I excused myself and walked out, Poe quickly following me. 

"You gonna be ok on your own today?" 

"Yeah I'll be fine don't worry"

"You sure? Because I can try and get out of my work today"

"Don't be stupid Poe, you're The Commander, you can't just not work because you're hanging out with me, I'll see you later" 

"Ok, I guess you're right. I'll be in the hangar if you need anything" he said before turning and walking away. 

"Hey, Poe?" I shouted his way. 

"Yeah?" He called back, turning to face me, walking backwards. 

"Thank you" 

"You're welcome!" 

And with that I was alone.

Or so I thought. 

"Hey" an annoying voice startled me. 

"What's up Hayden" I replied, annoyance in my voice.

"Jeez what's up with you? I didn't even say anything yet." 

"Uh.. can I help you with something?" 

"What's going on with you and Dameron?" 

"Nothing to concern you" I replied confidently, starting to walk away. 

He grabbed my arm tightly, forcing me to stay where I was. 

"So you're a thing?" 

"What? No! We're just friends, now if you don't mind.." I say snatching my arm back from his firm grasp "I have to get to work." 

I turned and walked as fast as possible to the medbay I was working at today. At least I wouldn't have to see my mother, I thought to myself. 


Once I had arrived I pulled on some scrubs in the changing room and went around checking patients. Since I wasn't a fully trained doctor I would help out by making sure patients had everything they needed, changing dressings and even just keeping them company if they weren't feeling great. 

I greeted my colleagues and silently thanked them for not bringing up the news about me that had spread around the base so quickly. 

"y/n?" I head a familiar voice ask behind me. 

I turned around and saw Ayla with a huge bleeding gash on her leg. 

"Ayla! what happened?" 

"Oh nothing really, it's kinda embarrassing. I wasn't concentrating and tripped over a box in the hanger and fell." 

"Are you ok walking?" 

"I think so" 

"Ok, follow me" 

Seeing as all the doctors were busy I took Ayla to a spare room and sat her down on the side of the bed to treat her myself. 

I cleaned up the deep cut, her wincing slightly at the sting, and bandaged it up. 

"You didn't tell me you worked here" 

"I work everywhere!" 

"How are you?" 

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" I laughed as I stood up to face her. 

"I mean about everyone finding out about your Mom and Dad" 

"Oh yeah it sucks but it could be worse, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you." 

"Don't even worry about it, I completely understand!" 

"Really? Thank you." 

"You're welcome. Now, am I free to go?" 

"You are indeed, as long as you promise to be more careful!" I tell her, helping her to her feet and walking her to the exit. 

"I'll try, thanks y/n." 

"You're welcom-" 

I was interrupted by the sounds of yelling behind me, there was an emergency accident. 

"I'd better go, see ya!" I say hurriedly before running off to go and help. 



This chapter SUCKS and is rly boring cos I have writers block atm, I'm sorry! I promise the next chapter will be more interesting, but thank you so much for 700 reads, ily! 

M x 

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