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Chibis drawn by @Cantrona! Check out her Instagram for more amazing digital art. 

For returning readers: Hello! Follow Lilly into the Bleach-verse for some good ol' fashion fun.

For new readers: Hello! Hope you like an eccentric OC. The only thing you need to know about her is that she's been stuck in a cycle of rebirth for lifetimes. I will refrain from spoilers / crossovers though, so no worries about needing to read the other stories unless ya really want to!

Prologue is somber, but this will turn into a humor/parody/feel good soon enough.

Warnings: Standard warnings that apply to the Bleach anime. Additional warning that this OC will be strong. Given the power scales of the Bleach world, strength is a necessity if to play a role in the plot. And I don't want to nerf my baby, she's suffered enough.

Additional warning of potential AU. Due to Kubo's struggles in completing the series a lot of things were left open-ended, and unanswered. I've put together what I could for my best guesses, but he might come back years later and contradict everything I've written.

The final warning is that the first arc will skip forward in time quite a bit. I'm covering over two thousand years' worth of events and I simply don't have the muse-power to write that much crap out in detail.

Romance: Friendship and family are the focus of the story, but OC will flirt to make people uncomfortable. I do have a possible pairing(s?) in mind, but we'll see.

Genre: Parody/Humor/Family/Adventure... touch of tragedy for OC origins.

Side note: I do my best to keep everyone in character, but this is my first time writing a Bleach fic, and I've had more years with the anime characters than manga. Sorry if anyone comes across as OoC, and please let me know how you think they should be portrayed!


She laid still on the cold floor of the kitchen, staring listlessly up at the ceiling. Her heart had stopped, and breath would no longer visit her. She knew she was going to die because it was not the first—nor last—time Death greeted her.

She was too old, and tired, now to fix her heart. She could if she pushed for it, she could force her heart to beat again if she truly desired, but it would only postpone the inevitable.

She was quite happy with her life and satisfied with what she had accomplished. Her spouse had passed on before her, and their children and grandchildren were old and well off enough that she was no longer needed.

She did the best she could, and she was satisfied with the world she was leaving behind.

She heard the garage door open up, the sound distant and hazy to her oxygen-deprived brain, and she knew it was one of her children coming to check on her. She felt bad at what they would see, but it was inevitable.

Besides, it was time to start another adventure with her friends who had already moved on ahead of her.

Always and always.

With the last of her strength, she forced a smile on her face and closed her eyes.

Death greeted her like an old friend.

It picked her up as her body fell to pieces. It pulled her into that comforting darkness and lulled her into a tranquil slumber.

And she slept.

And slept.

And slept.

And slept.

And slept.

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