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"Lady Lisa?"

"Yes, Y/n?"

Lisa's eyes never fled from the woman in front of her, watching as you effortlessly wielded the sword that you yourself had forged. Lisa truly believed that you had mastered the art of sword fighting years ago despite your incessant denial that you must always train.

Train train train, Lisa scoffed.

'You must polish your skills just as you must polish a sword', you would always say. Typical of a blacksmith. Although, she would never tire of gawking at your extraordinarily nimble acrobatics whilst you dance with a blade in hand. Where did you ever learn such a thing?

"What's on your mind, my lady?"

Lisa could never understand how you could confidently hold a conversation while not sounding as if you hadn't been slicing thin air for three hours or doing no-handed flips. Such a showoff . . .

She loved it.

"Just reminiscing about the day we first met," Lisa smirked and you couldn't help but grin at the fond memory of the first day you met her.

A snort escaped your nose but that didn't distract you from your gruelling exercise.
"You weren't sure whether I was a girl or a boy for a month."

"I was seven." She blushed and scowled.

"I believe you had a crush on me too." You wiggled your eyebrows whilst lunging at the imaginary opponent in front you. They'd be dead if they were real.

"What do you mean 'crush'?" Lisa looked over at you with a raised brow, "It's much more than that," She frowned, folding her arms and pretending to be offended that you down-played her affection. "You're the only woman that I will ever love."

This time you stopped every movement, only turning to face and direct earnestness and sentimentality into Lisa's line of sight. That's what you should do when someone tells you something from their heart. Your eyes must be the first to say 'I love you' before your lips do.

Though Lisa's face was contorted in anger, there was an expectancy in her eyes for those words.

"I love you too," You smiled, making Lisa's breath hitch. "My lady."

She couldn't hold your strong gaze on you for no longer than a second before breaking the act and flashed you a more-than satisfied smile. Her pettiness succeeded in hearing the words 'I love you' fall from your mouth. It's been too long since she's heard it.

"What about your mother?" You quirked a brow at her, a look of worry combined with confusion. Was there some drama you weren't aware of?

"I stand by what I said," Lisa said, literally standing up.

You made your way to sit down beside her after boxing away the sword that was technically for a client and not a duel against an invisible foe. If anyone asked, you were just making sure that the sword worked that was all. Agreed?

It was a common occurrence between Lisa, daughter of a wealthy aristocrat and you, an underpaid blacksmith, to come together in privacy like some star-crossed lovers of two feuding families of sorts..

Oh, wait.

You forgot to specify apprentice blacksmith. Even though it was you that was keeping the business afloat. Not your drunk, urine-soaked boss. You. But how else were you to sneak off to the secret garden belonging to you and your lady if Mr Richard Smith weren't drowning his lungs from noon till noon next day?

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