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"I did not agree to this."

You stepped out the doors from below deck.
The pirates and Lisa trailed their eyes from your feet slowly to your unamused face.

Hoseok whistled.

After many, many, MANY minutes of fighting off those seadogs, they cornered you like some kind of wild beast and finally roped you into swapping outfits with Lisa. They literally tied your wrists and ankles then Jungkook carried you to Taehyung's cabin kicking and screaming. Jimin had offered to dress you but you kicked him out of the room. While Lisa wore men's clothes, you wore her yellow dress with the full corset and everything. How did women even breath in this?

"You're . . definitely a woman," Namjoon eyed you up and down while holding his chin in thought.

Taehyung hummed, "A true lady."

"Beautiful." Jin's word rolled out sweetly.

Jimin nodded in approval, "If this is how good you look then I'll buy you every dress in the stores."

"Not bad," Jungkook shrugged. "Not bad at all."

Unexpectedly, Hoseok twirled you around cheerfully where you made eye contact with Yoongi, who dwelled on you for a moment but kept quiet, looking uninterested as per.

Lisa gawked at you from under the hat, "In all my ten years, this is my first time seeing you in a dress."

"And in all my ten years, you're wearing pants." She looked like a man. It was like your roles were reversed in this story. You never had the chance to dress feminine. Did you . . really look beautiful?

"It's rather comfortable actually and it has POCKETS." Lisa slipped her hands into her pockets, showing you how deep it was since she thought it was the best thing in the world.

"You missed a piece." Walking to Lisa, you tucked a stray hair into her borrowed hat so it wouldn't give the disguise away.

"The quicker we get this done, the better," Namjoon said, marching down the ramp.
You linked your arms in Lisa's and followed the pirates down onto the pier but looking back to see Jungkook speaking to Hoseok.

"Are you gonna be alright alone, Hoseok Hyung?"

"I'll be fine." A toothy heart-shaped grin pulled on his face.

He's mastered his fake smile it seems.

You turned away when Hoseok caught your watchful eyes, his toothy grin dropping to a half-smile. Taehyung had also noticed because he raised his hand and volunteered to stick behind to man the ship.

Or more like to keep Hoseok company.

It wasn't your problem. You were only being nosey so you could use their secrets against them. But there seemed to be strings attached from one secret to the other. You glanced at Lisa. Right now you weren't interested in theirs.

What was she keeping from you?

"You ladies stay out of trouble," Jin said kindly which you acknowledged with a tiny nod.

How caring. The doctor role suits him.

"Don't even think about running away. There's pirates everywhere and unfortunately for you, they're not as nice as us." Jungkook pointed his thumbs at himself, grinning cockily. You couldn't believe he was older than you.

"Yoongi, we won't be needing your help with the supplies," Namjoon stated, making Yoongi look at him with a creased brow. He knew he wasn't going to like what Namjoon was going to say next.

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