Yoongi *Bonus*

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Yoongi's POV

The pain keeps on coming and coming.

Every part of me is on fire. It hurts.

It hurts...

But I'm used to it.

This...heat, it's agonizing. I can sail an ocean created from the torrents of my own sweat.
These clothes! This skin! I want to tear it all off! But even if I was nothing more than bones, it wouldn't extinguish the hell I'm under.

I thought it was getting easier but it's worst, more so than usual.

Like the curse fucking knows that my body was getting used to it!


I made a mistake in leaving the ship.

"I fucking..." I steadied myself against the door of a shop. "Hate...Port Royal." The words came out between pants. How pathetic. I couldn't even say one sentence without feeling out of breath. 

I need a distraction. Something, anything to make this easier, to numb my suffering.

Sex! Booze! Being buried in ice and snow!

Or a fight.

Any pain was better than this.

Getting beaten, getting sliced, I welcome it with open arms. Would even say it was a  refreshing change of pace haha.

That's it... I can't hold myself up anymore.

I let myself slide down against the door and threw my head back, hitting the wood as I try to steady my breathing. My dotting vision somehow caught sight of a wooden sign with a picture of an anvil and hammer, the initials R. Smith on it.

I'm about to pass out on the doorstep of a blacksmith's.


I would rather die and save myself from the embarrassment. Dying sounds good right now. But Jin won't let me do that. He'll kill me himself if I do anything like purposely hurting myself. I win either way so.


Second best thing after death.

I used the door as support, stumbling a bit and hitting the door a couple of times as I'm hauling my ass up. First thing's first, I need to catch my breath before I even think about trying to walk otherwise I'm just going to keel over and choke to death on dirt. It's not the way to go.

I need to head back. I need to sleep away the pain. Can't think of a reason why I even came out here in the first place. Ah, right. I came to beat some shits up and to get myself beaten the shit out of.

Taking only one step was enough for me.

Ugh...A thousand more to go.

When it felt like I had trekked a mountain, a door from behind me opened up. Sounded like it came from the blacksmith. Dangerous place to be especially for a pirate whose speciality is guns and fists. Too many swords. Good thing I don't look much like a pirate today, more like a bumbling drunk. Or maybe I just said the same thing twice.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you alright?" I heard.

I don't have the energy to turn around so I just keep my focus on moving, afraid that if I stop, I'll collapse and won't be able to get back on my feet.

"Just peachy, lady." Should not even have tried to speak.

"I'm a man," she says defensively.


When the woman slammed the door, I swear if I rolled my eyes any harder, they would've fallen out my ears. Maybe my delirium was causing me to hallucinate but...

What kind of woman was she? To be dressing herself up to be a man?

Will I get to know the answer?

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