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"You know they're gonna follow us to Tortuga, right?"

Hoseok leaned against the rail of the ship while conversing with the other five members. Namjoon retired to his quarters without a word but the other's assumed he would be studying the archives or poorly scribbling notes in his journal.

"Those scavengers! Always after anything and everything we find!" Jin face-palmed, his heart pounding in anxiety as always.

"I say we stage an ambush, better yet, let's set fire to their ship!" Jimin said, excitement lighting up his eyes at all the schemes.

"I second that." Yoongi saluted, sitting on top of barrels while he sharpened his knife, running his fingers against the edge now and then without any care about getting cut.

"I third that." Jungkook leaned against the wheel, the wind combing through his hair as they continued muttering secrets to him.

Lisa sat by a table on the main deck, her hands were still bound. They haven't spoken to her and her to them since her kidnapping. After what they had said before, she became more conscious of the necklace around her neck, or what was attached to it to be specific. Lisa prepped her voice, swallowing the extra fluid in her mouth and licking her dried lips.

"I demand to know what your intentions are with this ring and myself."

"Oh, she speaks." Hoseok raised his eyebrows, turning to her direction.

"It's the key to ending our torment is all you need to know," Yoongi explained.

"You're just a little bonus for after since you're Grim's daughter, so of course, you're gonna lead us to his hidden treasure and then we'll be richer than you." Jungkook grinned devilishly.

Grim? She knew that name. She'd read about him, the Grim Reaper of The Seas.

"How..how do you know if I even remember where it is?" Lisa kept up the act, trying to find out more.

"Oh please, ten years hasn't been that long, has it?" Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Oh well, we'll just have to make you remember." He grinned, displaying his knife like a madman and effectively scaring Lisa.


They all whipped their heads to the direction of the voice. Lisa stood from her chair, knocking it over in the process. She wanted so badly to run over.

You came for her.

Sopping wet, hair loose stuck to your face, your clothes clinging to your body: almost leaving nothing to the imagination.

"And who the hell are you?" Yoongi asked boredly. Where had he heard that voice?

"Someone who you shouldn't mess with." you jumped from the ship's rail, trailing buckets of water on their ship.

"Ooh, sounds like a challenge to me." Jimin sang.

"Let. My. Lady. Go." you snarled, a quivering hand hovering over the hilt of your sword.

"Hmm.." he stroked his chin. "I don't think we can do that. I admire the effort though, lover boy. Very gentlemanly of you."

Jungkook ushered his crew into a huddle, conspiring something that you couldn't hear. Jin threw his arms in the air in defeat, walking off to sit by the table.

"I'm not apart of this." Jin crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair.

The group scattered, reaching an agreement.

"Win against our friend here.." Jungkook patted Jimin's shoulder, "And then we'll let you two go."

He snickered along with the rest apart from Taehyung, who you shared a glance with, a knowing grin on his face. You were going to deal with him later.

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