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The sea . .

She consumes you, inside and out.

A true master of torture she can be. While you thrashed in attempts to preserve the last breath of your existence, finally, it felt like she had removed her hold on your hair - her hold which kept you under the water's surface. It granted you a second to catch your breath before you were pulled down once again, seawater burning your nostrils, throat, down to your lungs.

It was a thunderous night with rain and lightning alongside. The beautiful Goddess Calypso was enraged but not at you. Though it felt like it at the moment. In actuality, her wrath was intended for the men aboard the doomed vessel. You just happened to get caught up in the storm; a storm that will end all those sinners on board.






. . .

"Miss Lisa, cease this unladylike behaviour this instant!" The young teacher crossed his arms in exasperation, vigorously tapping his shoe against the floor as he lost all that was left of his patience for the student.

He had only put up with her brattiness this long only because she was the heavily-doted-upon daughter of a rich man. Maybe Jackson should just quit? It wasn't worth it playing as a babysitter more than a tutor. A fifteen-year-old lad like him had better things to be doing. Then again, he really needed the money which means he really needed to find the brat before she got herself killed or abducted. How did she even get out? Did she climb out the window? How cute yet troublesome, he thought after imagining the girl escaping.

"Must we revisit our favourite book - 'Etiquette For Lady's' - for the seventh time?" Goddamn, he hated that book.

. . .

Lisa continued to support herself against the tree and hid behind it until her tutor's singsong voice grew fainter and therefore became bearable to her ears.

"I should make daddy fire him." She grinned from ear-to-ear, knowing full well her dear, beloved father will do anything for 'his precious, little girl'. The young miss, dressed in her cute gown, skipped off in glee that she succeeded in playing hooky yet again.

She was bored out of her tiny mind.

There was nothing to do in Port Royal and no other children to poke fun at the grown-ups with. The childish thought left her mind when she perked up, noticing sand just at the end of the woods so she hoisted up her dress and ran towards the beach.

Something glinted in the sand, immediately catching her eye and excited her — thinking it was a treasure.

And it was going to be hers.

Lisa was so giddy. Maybe it was earrings? Or a necklace? Or diamonds?

She gasped. "What if it's a diamond necklace?!"

She ran impossibly faster with her short legs until her two left feet betrayed her. The girl still had a dumb grin on her face even when her life flashed before her eyes—

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