✶ Chapter Seventeen ✶

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Peter's POV

I couldn't sleep that night. Seeing how the trees were didn't help. I was so scared. I didn't know where Annie was. I didn't know if she was hurt or if she is lost. I just want my fiancé back...

I eventually go to my balcony window. I look out hoping to find some peace. The breeze is gone and the sea looks motionless, and the trees look like... This all looks like how it would in a painting, or a still picture...

After standing there for a while, I know I must sleep in order to search for her tomorrow. I close the balcony doors and I go to my bed and shut my eyes, trying to fall asleep once more. I just lay there looking at my ceiling.

Third POV

Peter wakes up the next morning feeling tired from the lack of sleep. But he only has one thing on his mind... Annie... his love...

He meets Oreius in the throne room along his my siblings. Susan looks at Peter and can tell that he didn't sleep much last night. They all gather around a map of the surrounding land, marking places they've searched already and planning the search areas they are to search today. As they are talking, all of the windows and doors fly open, the wind coming through almost powerful enough to knock them down. Peter holds onto Lucy as she looks like she's loosing her footing. The map they've marked on goes flying across the room. 

Peter look to Oreius as this is the first time they've felt the wind since she's disappeared.

But little did they know what the wind was and meant. 

Since she was the Daughter of the Trees, the trees could help her. The trees called out for Dryads for they could help her get back to the castle. The Dryads transformed her body into petals like they had done before to get her to the battlefield. And the called on the wind to carry them to the castle.

That's what the wind was. It was carrying Annie to them.

Peter's POV

I look away from Oreius to see Dryad petals come through every window that was open. I watched as they start to take 2 forms. I saw a Dryad and... Annie! Oh my Aslan!

I ran up to Annie and the Dryad. I go down to Annie's side and take in her figure. Her eyes were closed and she looked cold and pale... her face was stained with tear streaks and blood... my tears fell on her face because she was hurt and I couldn't protect her...

I am afraid to touch her... I don't even know if she's dead or not...

I spoke to the Dryad that came with her. "Is she alive? What happened? Where did you find her?" I ask without looking up, my eyes still on Annie.

"She is alive, but I don't know for how much longer. I suggest using the juice of the fire-flower, Your Majesties." She tells us, looking to Lucy.

Lucy runs to me and Annie. She open her cordial and quickly drops a drop of the solution into her mouth. I see her face return to normal color but her eyes are still closed and lips are still blue. 

"Why isn't she waking up?!" I ask worried for her. I'm shaking and I sob harder.

"What I am about to tell will not be easy. I was not there but I have spoken to the trees. They have told that she came in a mourning state, claiming her father from her homeland had passed. She mourned for hours upon hours and eventually climbed higher in the tallest tree to seek more peace. There she fell asleep only to wake up from a nightmare. They say that she was frightened and accidently fell from the tree, they tried to help but were not fast enough. They say that she fell about 30 feet. I heard them calling out and I went to see what was the matter. That's when I found her lying there on the forest floor. I was able to transform her into petals to bring her here but I can feel that she has many broken and dislocated bones. Her body needs time to heal, King Peter." She tells us. 

My Knight in Shining Armor -- Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now