✶ Chapter Twenty-Three ✶

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That William Charles <3 ^^

2 Years later

Annie's POV

I wake up in the morning next to my Husband and I kiss his cheek. I get up and out of bed to go check on William who is in the next room over. They knocked down an archway for us to reach him so he's technically still in our room but just another part of it.

He is sleeping peacefully and I lean on the entrance staring at my baby boy. I fell arms snake around me and kisses on my neck.

"Peter..." I start. "Come back to bed my love, I know our son is adorable but he'll wake up soon, then we'll get up." He says. 

"...Okay, fine..." I say, giving into his wishes. I return to bed and snuggle with him only to wake up to crying an hour later. I get up and go to William.

I pick him up and cradle him in my arms. His crying stops and Peter joins me a minute later, dressed. We did this every morning. William would wake up with his cries. I would hold him and calm him while Peter got dressed. When he was finished, he would switch me stops. He'd hold Will while I got dressed.

We exited the room with Will and went to breakfast. Lucy wanted to feed him and I let her. She loved being an Aunt more than anything. 

We all were finished eating and Oreius and I were playing with Will in the throne room when I soldier comes running into the room with a bright look on his face. 

"Xavier? Why are you running?" Ed asks. "The White Stag has been spotted in the Western Woods Your Majesties!" He exasperates. 

This catches all of our attentions. The White Stag? That White Stag is a mystical creature that will grant I wish to anyone who catches it!

"Okay, time for some grandpa time. Mommy loves you!" I kiss Will and Oreius cheek before grabbing Nightshade and running to the stables. "So does Daddy!" Peter kisses Will's cheek, patting Oreius on the back on the way out. "Be safe out there, son." Oreius adds. 

"I will, makes sure not to spoil William too much!" Peter laughs out the doors.

After the family has left, Oreius looks to William. "I'm going to spoil as much as I want!" Oreius tells William. William just laughs and slobbers everywhere.


As we ride out in the forest, I notice Ed slow down so I slow down too.

"Are you alright, Philip?" Ed asks his horse. "I'm not as young as I once was." Philip responds. I reach over a pat his head. 

"Come on Ed, Annie!" Susan appears with her siblings. 

"Just catching my breath." Ed responds, motioning to Philip.

"Well, that's all we'll catch at this rate." Susan retorts with a laugh. 

"What did he say again, Susan?" Lucy mocks.

"'You girls wait in the castle. I'll get the stag myself.'" Susan tries to imitate Ed. 

We all laugh and then we all catch sight of something in the middle of us. 

"What's this?" I ask, Peter, who is already down, helping me off my horse.

It's a lamppost? 

"It seems familiar? Annie, do you recognize this?" Lucy asks. 

"No, it doesn't trigger anything for me." I respond.

"Is it from a dream." Susan says.

"Or a dream of a dream?" Lu comments back.

And if suddenly realizing something, Lucy speaks up.

"Spare Oom..."

"Spare what?" I ask.

Lucy takes off in some direction. 

"Lucy!" He yells. "Not again!" Susan yells after.

"I'll just wait here with the horses!" I shout. 

They all disappear into the leaves and I continue to look at the lamp post. Suddenly the wind picks up and it becomes hard to breathe. She tries to call out to her family but nothings comes out. The colors around her change and the next thing she see is black.


I wake up back in my grandparents garden.

No no no no NO!

What happened to Narnia! I look around to see I'm back on the bench where I was when I was first taken to Narnia. I'm young again. I look to see the lion statue behind me. 

It kinda looks like Aslan...

Was it all a dream?

I look down to hands only to see a marking on my right wrist. A moon...

"Love does not come anywhere close to what you two have. You two were meant for one another. Just as the Sun will never loose the Moon, you two will never loose the other. As a wedding gift, I give a both a binding mark. No matter the distance between you both, you two will always return to the other." Aslan's words play in my head.

"You will return soon my child. Your family will be safe." I hear his voice in my head again.

Oh Aslan... Lucy, Susan, and Ed... Oh Peter... Oh my baby boy!

I cry, I want Peter back. I want my son. I want Oreius. I want Narnia!


I wrote to the Pevensies a lot. We talked about Narnia and we avoid the topic of mine and Peter's son. It was too sensitive a topic. We all wished how we could be with one another. They told me stories about their professor and how we had gone to Narnia too with his friend Polly. 

I wish I could be in Narnia right now. I miss you Will... 

I just have to keep telling myself that one day, I will be back. I will be with Peter once more and I will be with my baby boy...

I just hope it's soon...



What did y'all think? Let me know if you want a book 2! I love you all thank you so much for reading this, means a lot!!

<3 <3 <3

My Knight in Shining Armor -- Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now