Wrong Way

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Matt walked on his feet to the half-open door, where Brad and his friends were. The boy silently leaned against the door to peek at them.

He loved seeing them playing, especially Adam, who had the most perfect voice in the world, in Matt's opinion.

His eyes fixed on Adam, then he began to get lost in thoughts and did not realize that Adam had noticed him there.

Adam stopped singing, his gaze was about Matt who looked surprised, he smiled and nodded discreetly for being the only one to have seen the youngest there.

Seeing that Adam had stopped, Brad raised an eyebrow and also stopped, soon being accompanied by the other boys.

Matt decided to get away from the door, he did not want to be picked up for anyone else, it would be very embarrassing.

"A break!"

Adam practically shouted up raising his arms and then rubbing his wrists.

The boys left the room and went to the kitchen, meeting Matt, who looked lost and embarrassed, that made Adam smile, he looked so cute.

He saw Neil approach Matt, hugging him from behind, that made his smile disappear. He hated to see Neil so close to the youngest, a strange feeling enveloped him leaving him a bad mood.

Neil leaned down to whisper something to Matt, who blushed and nodded, his hands slid to find Neil's and push him breaking the hug.

Brad rolled his eyes with the scene, he did not like where all this was coming, Matt was still very young to have so much attention to him.

"How about trying to keep your hands away from my little brother?"

Brad growled and Barry held the laughter, it was getting great.

"I was just trying to make him feel loved."

Neil defends himself as he watches Brad cross his arms and raise an eyebrow.

"Try to do it with words, you don't have to put your hands on him."

Matt just shrugged his shoulders seeing his brother and Neil arguing.  Then Adam cleared his throat making them stop.

Brad scratched the back of his neck and smiled at Matt, who looked confused.


The boys left again, leaving only Adam, Neil and Matt in the kitchen.

Adam sighed seeing Neil talking to Matt, who was smiling non-stop, it just made him upset, he loved Matt, who seemed to feel something more for Neil.

He rested his elbows on the table, a thought taking over his mind, what if he tried to separate the two?  It looks wrong, but Matt should be his, in fact, he fell in love with the youngest first.

He turned his attention to the two boys who were already far from each other, Adam smiled and decided to return to his friends.

Adam waved to Neil asking him to come back, he nodded and followed him into the room where the others were.

Brad and Neil were talking all the time, that was enough for Adam to have an idea "If I make Brad and Neil be together, I will have Matt just for me", he smiled at his thought and waited for it to end and Barry to leave, leaving only  him and the other two in the room.

Gontier's gaze went to the hall, Matt was close to the room, he knew it was his only chance, and he took it without a second thought.

He approached Neil and pushed him against Brad, making the boys stay very close, it made them lost looking in each other's eyes.

Matt stopped in front of the door and the scene of Brad and Neil so close made his heart break, would Brad be able to try something with Neil knowing he was his crush?  Or was Neil just an idiot wanting them both?  He sighed feeling the tears welling up in his eyes and went off towards his room.

The youngest was so upset that he didn't realize that Adam had followed him into the bedroom.

"Hey, Matt, you look so sad, did something happen?"

The older boy was worried, he knew what had happened, but he couldn't show it.

Matt didn't answer, just hugged him and started to cry, he felt one of Adam's hands on his face trying to wipe away the tears.

"Baby, please, tell me what happened?"

Adam whispered, his thumb was on Matt's cheek, starting to caress the place.

"I saw Neil with Brad, he deceived me!"

The youngest boy's voice was cut by sobs as he tried to stop crying, and the older man could only look worried even though he knew he was to blame for all this.

"He's like that. You don't need him, you have me. I would never cheat on you!"

Adam's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were on Matt's, who blushed as he approached the tallest.

His hands roam the youngest boy's face, stopping at his lips, where he began to stroke with his thumb before leaning over and kissing him.

Matt was surprised, but closed his eyes giving in to the kiss, which was calm and passionate.

Adam smiles between the kiss just before stopping and stroking the boy's face in front of him.

"You are so beautiful, I am crazy about you since I laid eyes on you! Neil is an idiot, I would never betray you, especially with your brother."

The older man's voice was calm, his gaze was on the younger's, who just nodded without knowing what to say.

"Matthew, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

He said scratching the back of his neck, getting a little embarrassed, and Matt just raised an eyebrow trying to understand what was going on.

"Okay, if you don't want to, I understand ..."

He sighed as he walked away, but was pulled again by the youngest who blushed and smiled shyly.

"I accept, but let's keep it a secret, Brad would kill you if he knew."

Adam couldn't hide his smile when he heard the youngest one, he gave him a peck before leaving and going back to the room where everything had started.

He raised his eyebrow when he found Neil there, he looked furious.

"I know what you did."

Neil growled as he approached, but Adam didn't seem to mind, as he just shrugged.

"What are you going to do? Say I did all this? He won't believe you, you cheated on him."

Adam's voice was full of sarcasm, a smile appearing on his face when he saw Neil leave in irritation.  He would finally have Matt just for himself, and he didn't mind having hurt a friend with that, in fact he was getting in the way.

Adam X Matt Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें