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Sam's POV
I wonder what Tim is going...

I woke up forever ago and didn't want to wake daddy by getting up so I layed here, thinking about my best friend in the whole world.  Tim.

Where could he be? Is he enjoying his surprise? I hope so.
I hope he is having fun. I can't wait to see him again...

Mark's POV
Tim kept running over and telling me he wanted to go home but I told him "soon. Go play while we talk" then me and Ethan would carry on.

E: So...What have I missed?

M: Well, I've got a few friends here uh you know I do YouTube...

E: Yeah. Who's the friends?

M: A guy named Jack. His daughter, Sam, is like a pea in a pod with Tim. They are stuck together like glue.

E: Gizmo ain't really got friends...

M: Well now he has Tim.

Tim's POV
Gizmo would not leave me alone. At. All. He was being so annoying and all I wanted was to be hugging Sam again...

G: So...Do you have friends?

T: I have a best best best friend

G: Oh...uh who?

T: Her name is Sam

G: A girl?

T: Yeah. She has green hair, pretty green and blue eyes, and she is my bestest ever in the world friend.

G: I have a friend! His name is Tim! It's you, friend-Tim!

T: Oh look, My other friend-


I jumped up at the sight of my friend Ben (made up lol) then he yelled my name and I ran and hugged him.

B: Oh, Tiny! It's been so long!

T: I know! I've missed you!

Tiny is my Nick name since I'm rather small for my age.

B: Who's that?

T: My dad wanted me to meet him..His name is Gizmo

Gizmo's POV
I gave a slight wave as I seen Tim's friend glance back at me. He didn't seem friendly...

They started to walk over to me and I stood and smiled.

G: Hi. I'm Gizmo!

B: Ben, Tim's friend.

Ben sits down, not hugging me or anything, beside Tim and I sat with them. Ben pulled out a 2 pieces of gum and gave one to Tim and kept one for himself.

G: Got anymore?

B: Oh...Nope. Sorry, Gizmo. Maybe next time.

G: It's fine and yeah sure, next t-

M: Tim! Gizmo?

T: Coming Daddy-be right back, Ben!

Tim ran off towards Mark and I followed shortly behind.

M: Tim, You ready to go?

T: Actually, I wanted to stay to play with Ben for a bit...Please?

M: No, Gizmo and his Dad are coming over.

T: Can Ben come too?

M: Well...Hold on, let me go talk to Mrs. Jenkins

Mark walked away and Tim ran back to Ben. I looked at my dad and he smiled.

E: Like Tim?

G: Uh...Yeah sure

E: something wrong?

G: He just...He's different is all

E: Is he mean?

G: No! No, Ofcourse not...He just really likes his other-

T: Yay! Ben come on! Come on!

E: His other friends?

I nod

E: That's okay, He just isn't used to you yet, Bud. Let's go...

Jack's POV
Sam has been upset all day. I feel really bad that she misses Tim but Tim was busy...I can't do any- OH YES I CAN.

J: Hey, Marky! I know you had something planned but do you think Tim could come here? I was thinking of having a big outdoor movie night. You could stay here too if ya want?


M: Actually, Tim's got a couple people over. Sam can come and you can too though?

J: Yeah sure. When?

M: Now or anytime. Just come on over Jackaroony

J: I'll be there in 10 :)

M: 0-0

J: UwU?

M: Nooooo

J: Hahahahaha

I put my phone down while giggling and went to fetch Sammy.

J: Let's go to Mark's house!


J: Yes you can see Tim again! Let's go, were gonna be late!

Sam grabs her notebook and runs out the door with me following. She's so sweet. I swear, those two are gonna die together someday.

Ethan's POV
Someone knocks on the door and Mark answers it. Gizmo, Tim, and the boy named Ben were out in the back. As soon as the door opened, a small girl with bright green/blue hair ran past his legs yelling "thanks Mr. Mark" and she went out the backdoor. Sam? Maybe. Then a guy came in. Green hair, stubbly beard, ocean blue eyes, and a tall-skinny built figure...He was hot...

M: Ethan, This is my friend Jack.

J: Hi, Ethan.

E: Hello, Jack. Nice to-

The kids ran inside, screaming and laughing. Gizmo wasn't as happy as the others. He was last and slowly going up the stairs with them. Mark and Jack didn't seem to notice though.

J: So, Ethan, You got a son?

E: Yeah his name is Gizmo. He's great. Short and sweet but really shy, he is.

M: his daughter is Sam. She gets along so well with Tim.

E: Oh good...And the other boy?

M: One of their friends.

J: Oh, is it Ben?

M: Yeah

J: Oh, he's a delight. He always thanks me for everything, even just handing him something or opening a door for him.

M: Yeah he's great.

Wow...I hope Tim is good...They talk very highly about these kids but how could children be that great? Is Gizmo going to impress them? What if they don't like him? Fuck...I hate my thoughts and paranoia...

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