knock on the door

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Bob's POV
I have to bring it's now or never...

B: I uh...seen Jack today...He's worried sick

Tim stared at his lap but Sam looked angry.

S: So?

B: You mad at him?

S: Do you know what happened?

B: Yeah...I do...

S: Then you should understand.

Sam quickly glanced at Tim then looked back to me. I sighed and nodded. I could see she had grabbed his hand and he was taking deep breaths. He finally raised his head back up and no tears had fallen.

T: He did this...Mark is dead because of him.

B: Mark was a great guy. Never have up on anything or anyone.

S: He was very brave and caring too...

B: And he had the best jokes

S: He was the best at story-telling

Tim's POV
I am not going to cry. I will not. Crying is for wimps and I will not-

B: I'm sorry, kids...I'm gonna go to bed...

S: Goodnight, Bob

B: Night...


B: Tim?

T: He believed in everyone...No matter who they were or what they had done, he gave people second chances. He thought everyone could do anything as long as they believed they could..

A single tear fell and I held Sam's hand tighter

T: He gave the best teddy bear hugs and the he always chose the best movies to watch on Saturday nights.

Sam kissed my hand and held it to her cheek.

T: He was...He...


A tear fell from Sam's cheek onto my hand and I sighed heavily

T: He was the best dad I could've asked for...

Bob patted my shoulder and I broke down. Tears were streaming and Sam pulled me close and Bob gently rubbed my back.

B: He knows you loved him, Tim...he knows...

S: He loves you too and he always has...You know that, Tim...

B: Go on to bed now...

Sam's POV~~

I woke up in the morning to the sound of Tim's beautiful tenor voice next to me. I layed there fake sleeping and listening to his gorgeous voice sing 'can't help falling in love' then I started to sing along.

"Would it be...a sin? If I... can't help falling in love with you"

T: Didn't know you were up...

S: it's your faukt

T: oh...

S: I heard the sound of an angel and couldn't wait to see their face...

I kissed him and he smiled on my lips.

T: Well Goodmorning.

I lay my head on his chest and sigh.

S: Hoe bout...breakfast then a walk through the woods or perhaps a swim?

T: Do you have a bathingsuit?

S: I bet Bob would love to go buy us some.

T: Sure he would...

We both laughed a bit then got up and found Bob in the livingroom.

B: Oh Goodmorning!

S: Hey, Bob! Going to town today?

B: whatcha needing?

T: Bathing suits

B: Oh okay. Yeah I can head out now, How's that?

T: Only if-

S: Only if it's no trouble

T: I was gonna say that

S: Beat you to it

I stuck my tongue out at Tim and he playfully rolled his eyes then turned back to Bob.

B: Sure I will. Let me find- Oh here! Okay...

He grabbed his shoes and started to put them on.

B: Soz what do you like?

T: Any trunks for me

S: Anything I don't care.

B: Alrighty sounds good. I'll see you two in a bit. Okay?

T and S: Okay!

Bob leaves and they both lay on the couch while watching TV. Then someone knocks on the door.

T: Bob just left...

S: It can't be him, can it?

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