The phone

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Sam's POV
I held tight to Tim's hand and we passed the beach houses and passed the roads and cars and then my eyes slowly started to close and i fell asleep.

I ran into the kitchen and my dad was hugging Mark. I smiled and ran back to my room to get Tim then Tim and I ran and joined the hug. We were all smiling and laughing and having fun


Tim's POV
Sam fell asleep with her head on my shoulder and I smiled and kissed her hair then looked out the window. We were out of California...Where to now? I guess we will see wherever this train stops then decide where to go. A lady came around with little snacks and I took some peanuts and left half of them for Sam.

She started to smile in her sleep after an hour and I couldn't help but wonder what she was dreaming of. Then she stopped smiling and she looked sad. Very sad. Then a tear fell and I held her closer.

T: Sam...It's okay...wake up, babe

She looked up at me then wiped the tears off her face.

S: S-sorry...

T: What was your dream about?

S: Nothing, Tim...Don't wor-

T: Mark, right? Or Jack?

S: B-both....

I just pulled her into a hug and she sighed in my chest.

S: Where are we gonna go?

T: Wherever this thing stops...Then we will find an apartment or a...A kind person? I don't-

S: Don't say "I don't know" it makes it sound like we won't stay ir something...

T: Okay. I won't.

S: Thank you...

She layed her head back down and fell back asleep, this time holding my hand against her chest and she smiled and didn't cry from a bad dream. I sat and stared out that windiw for another 3 hours until the train stopped and she woke up again.

S: Where are we?

T: Nevada. Let's go..

We grabbed our stuff and got off the train in a small town. I looked around and seen a few abandoned buildings, some nice houses, a few feilds, and a few big apartment buildings.

T: There. The apartments.

She nodded and we started to walk that way. When we got to the first one, they were full. The second was full. And the third, which was a bit...well, Sketchy, had a room for us. When we got in, We set everything down and looked around. 1 bed, an old box TV, and a bathroom with a shower. Good enough.

S: Maybe-

She sat down on the bed and sighed.

S: If we make friends with the guy-do a little work-we could stay for free? For a while...

T: yeah maybe..

I sat down too and she took my hand and held it tight.

S: I love you...

T: I love you too, Baby

After a while of comfortable silence we decided to get up and go look around town a bit. There's a lot of stores, a lot of kind people, and a lot of not so safe people and places but they were good places if we ever need to hide...    I pull out that phone that Bob gave me and look at it funny.

T: We have no phone numbers so why do we need it?

S: Well, We've gotta make friends so then we will have numbers

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