SMUT and stuff I'm sorry😂

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Sam's POV
Tim and I put everything down in the small bedroom and then go look around the house. Bathroom, kitchen, 2 bedroom, living room, and laundry room. There's also a deck that you can jump off of into the deep creek. The bridge is barely visible through the thick trees and I feel like we will be well-hidden here for a while. Hopefully dad didn't call the cops...they could find out he's Mark's son and then he will look for Mark's friends-

T: Sam. I can tell you're worried but don't be. Bob will take care of us. I'll take care of us.

S: Promise?

Tim stopped walking and took both my hands and looked me in the eyes.

T: I promise...Forever

S: Forever.

He kissed my forehead and then held me against his chest and I let out a sigh of relief then closed my eyes as Tim started to hum.

T: Hey, let's not fall asleep standing up, okay? Let's go chill at the house...

I nod against his shoulder and he pulls me along back to Bobs house.

B: Want dinner? I can make Mac N Cheese!

S: Yeah. Call us when it's done, okay?

B: I will, you kids look tired's been a long day. Rest up.

T: Thanks, Uncle Bob

B: Anytime, kiddos

Tim's POV
I lay down with Sam and hold onto her around her waist from behind.

S: Tim...I love you

T: I love you too, Sammy

She fell asleep and I couldn't help but remember all the good times we had as kids. Like the park, videogames, drawing in the shed then falling asleep, movie nights with both our dads..


3rd person POV
The first time Tim had taken into account what happened was that night. He lay there, holding Sam in Bob's bed, Bob's house, and his dad was dead. Mark was dead. So he lay there and thought about everything he had ever said to him, done with him, and Everytime they fought. Tim never meant the mean things he said. He knew that. He just got angry and he had a temper, just like his dad. Mark knew Tim never meant those things and they always made up afterwards. They loved eachother. They were father and son, they had to love eachother. But now Mark was gone...and Tim was alone with his bestfriend/girlfriend and his friend...

Bob's POV
Jack. Jack had to have caused this. I need to go see him. Find him. Talk to him and possibly beat his ass. I need to know what happened but I am not going to ask those kids. There already been through so much...

I make their food then knock on their door and tell them it's done. Tim says "be out in a sec, She's asleep" and then they come out and Sam rubs her eyes as she sits at the table.

B: I'm gonna go into town, run some errands, Need anything?

They both shook their heads no and I left while shouting "I'll be home in a bit" then I went on my way to go find Sean. ~ When I got into town, I asked some local people if they knew him and no one knew where he lived until I found a little shop and went in. An old man was at the register and he waved at me.

B: Hello, Sir. Uh I don't live around here and I'm looking for Sean or Jack McLoughlin's house. Happen to know where that could be?

"Oh yeah I know Sean very well. He's a friend of mine. He comes in here alot with a little girl, Sam, I think. Sweet thing, she is. Their house, huh?"

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