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Sam's POV
As soon as I got to the backyard, I seen Ben and Tim and some kid I didn't know. Tim was picking up a ball but immediantly dropped it and ran to me. He picked me up and spun me while we hugged. The other two stood and waited for us to be done re-uniting.

Gizmo's POV
I don't fit in too well with this lot..
I just don't. Sam, Tim, and Ben have been friends for so long it's hard to except new friends..

B: Wow. I wish I was that good of friends with them...

G: Yeah...me too

B: Sam!

Sam went running over and she hugged Ben too. Tim was picking up her notebook and setting it on the table for her then he came running back.

T: Sam, This is Gizmo. My dad's friend is over and he brought him. Gizmo, This is my best friend I was telling you about! Her name is Sam.

G: Hi Sam.

S: Hi, Gizmo! Nice to-

B: There's a bee!!!

We all started yelling and running and we went inside. I wasn't having that much fun but i knew that Tim, Ben, and Sam were so I went along and tried to be happy. When we got to Tim's room, We all sat down and started to talk. Sam and Tim were on the bed holding hands and Ben was in a beanbag and I was on the floor.

T: Hey uh...I'm gonna go see what my daddy is doin...

S: Alright..See you in a bit!

Tim ran off, leaving us all alone and we were quiet.

Tim's POV
I get up and dash downstairs. I see Gizmo's dad, My dad, And Sam's dad all sitting together but Gizmo's dad is looking at Jack. His eyes move up and down and no one seems to notice...I sneak back up to my room and suddenly a bad idea pops into my head...Does Ethan like Mr. Jack?

No...He couldn't...

S: Tim, You okay?

I look up and realize everyone looking at me and I sigh.

T: Y-yeah...All good. Let's go ask for dinner.

G: Yay! Dinner!

B: Woohoo

I grab Sam's hand and we all go downstairs and all the parents look at us.

M: What's up, kiddos?

T: Daddy, can we have dinner?


3rd person POV
Mark ordered a few pizzas and everyone ate and got full bellys but Tim was still eye-balling Ethan to ssee if he seen him looking at Jack again. This time, he'd catch him...

M: Alright, Get ready for bed!

Gizmo looked shocked and he stared at his dad.

G: We're sleeping here?

E: Yep. And we can go tomorrow.

Gizmo looks like he's about to cry. He doesn't like Tim or Sam or Ben. He doesn't want to stay here.

E: Giz...You okay?

G: No, Daddy...I wanna go home.

E: What's wrong?

Ethan pulls Gizmo to the side and squats so he is eye level with him.

E: Why don't you wanna-

G: They don't like me and I don't like them...I'm not happy and I want to go home.

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