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Tim's POV
The train started to move as i stayed hidden in the open train car and waited silently until the train was stopping. I jumped out and into the woods then ran towards town. First thing I spotted was the bridge where Bob's house was only about a mile out then i looked into town. Town...Yeah! I went over the bridge and towards a small candy shop. As I went in I looked around and then spotted the clerk stocking shelves. He worked here since i was little and I know he knows who i am.

T: Mr. Jenkins?

Mr. J: Tim? Tim Fischbach?

T: yeah it's me...

Mr. J: Everyone was searching for you-still is! Where have you been?

T: I ran off...shouldn't have.

Mr. J: Well, I'm glad you're back... What are you doing here, son?

The word "son" was still a bit touchy since my father died only a few days ago and he must have noticed because he immediantly sighed and turned fully to me.

Mr. J: Sorry, Tim...I shouldn't have said that...

T: I-its okay...Just uh...I'm here to get a job.

Mr. J: You're...what? 15?

T: please...I know im a bit young but I really want this...

Mr. J: It would be nice to...To have some help. I'm getting quite old to stock these shelves..

T: I can do that. I can do anything.

Mr. J: I can't pay you much tho, 10 dollars a day is all I can afford.

T: Thats fine with me. I just need something to take my mind off of everything. Thank you, sir.

Sam's POV
I stayed with Nikki for the rest of that day until it was 11:43pm and she fell asleep. I have been thinking...for a bit...I can't-I-I can't be here. I really can't. It's wrong.
I got up slowly, careful not to wake her and grabbed her diary and ripped out a blank page.

Nikki, Im sorry but I feel that it is wrong of me to stay here...I can't anymore. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I promise. Thank you for all you have done for me and tell Gizmo that too. Ethan has been very kind as to let me stay...I know he used to be friends with Mark so tell him the news...Thats all I guess...

One last goodbye,


I layed the note on the bedstand and looked at my shoes then slipped them on. I had a ring on that I've had since i was 12 and I put it on the note and quickly wrote "P.s. here's something to remember me by"
I opened her window and snuck out onto the roof like we did that first night I was here then i slowly climbed down and hopped into the ground then over her fence and into the street.

~i started to walk the train tracks thinking if all the ways I fucked up and then I heard something in the woods and stopped dead in my tracks and scanned the darkness for any movement. When I seen nothing I slowly started to walk again, listening for anything else, then stopped when I heard a twig snap.

S: Just come out...I know you're following me!

Then a small girl came out and smiled at me.

S: uh...hi?

"Hi sam..."

S: How do you know my name?

"I just do...Why are you going?"

S: because I can't stay here

"Where are you going?"

S: Back...Back home

"To Bob?"

S: Maybe...

"or Jack?"

S: I...I don't know yet

"Lies...Youre going to Jack"

S: How did you know-

"Listen close, You're father js very depressed...He messed up but he misses you"

S: How do you know that!? Who are you!?

"You need to go home noe. You'll make it in time...only if you go now"

Then she was gone and I was scared out of my mind so I started to full sprint towards town. It was 8 miles away now...
I stopped for a break...Running again...7 miles...gotta walk a bit..6 1/2 miles...Running...6 miles...

I stopped and bent over, out of breath and cold.

I have to go.
I have to make it in time.
Now...no matter what or...or?

That didn't matter. I looked up and started to run again. I had to get there on time for something. No matter what. It didn't matter what. It didn't matter who that kid was. I had to be there.

Only 4 miles left and I could see the city lights. My legs, torso, and my feet ached. I felt like i couldn't run anymore. I was drenched in sweat, My hair was sticking to my face, and I really needed to pee but I couldn't stop. I suddenly went silent and listened. A train...

I jumped off the tracked and waited for it to come. It was slow enough I could jump on. It came around the corner and I ran towards an empty car then hopped in. I layed down flat on the floor and looked uo at the rusty ceiling and breathed heavily.

I'm on my home. I'm coming...

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