Tyra the Tease Lord

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(Y/N)'s POV

Tyra "(Y/N)... wake up honey... wake up"

(Y/N) "mmmm... five more minutes..."

Tyra "it's already midday"

i groaned and opened my eyes slowly to see a blurry figure in front of me. yawning and stretched while still tangled inside my blanket. After that, I opened my eyes once more to see my mom sitting beside my bed with a warm smile. 

Tyra "hah.. you sleep like a rock, you know that? Well.. you always were a heavy sleeper ever since you were little.... Go take a bath and get dressed, after that you can eat. Link wants to take you somewhere today~"

What? Did i hear that right? Link wants to take me somewhere?

(Y/N) "Where?"

Tyra "I dont wanna spoil the fun for you. Now come on, he should be here soon. You dont wanna keep your knight waiting do you~?" Mom said in a suggestive manor, wriggling her eyebrows as she does it.

(Y/N) "M-MOM!!" i retorted while blushing in embarrassment.

Tyra "Hahahah! Just teasing honey... now go wash up."

despite wanting to debate it further, i decided to do as she says. I went out of the house and into a small wooden shack next to it. Inside was a large circular wooden tub filled with clear cold water, a small metal rack next to it to hang towels, a stack of soap on a small bowl and a scented candle placed on top of a small plate next to the tub. I took off the tunic and shorts that was wearing, letting both pile on the rugged stone floor and slowly went into the tub one foot at a time.

The water was cold but refreshing. Soon enough, i sat inside the tub with only my eyes and nose outside the water for a few minutes, simply taking in the cold water before lifting myself up until my torso is revealed. I grabbed one of the soaps in the plate and began scrubbing myself. While cleaning, my mind wandered. It brought my attention to the chat mom and i just had.

Why do i feel like this?

Why does every mention of him make me feel warm?

It's... familiar... like i've felt it before... long ago.

I remember someone... a person... a boy from my childhood... he used to make me feel warm too. That was until...

Until dad changed. He hurt mom and i. He became cruel to the people of our kingdom. Soon, everyone left... including him... who was his name? I... cant remember....

He visited me in the castle almost everyday, he was my only friend. He... he didn't want to leave me...


We were in the gates of our kingdom. My mom was holding me as our people walked away. Amidst the crowds, he pushed his way through and peeked out. He looked at me with tears in his eyes, he tried to run to me but before he did, his mother grabbed him by the arm.

??? "NO!! Im not gonna go without (Y/N)!!"

Woman "Leave them! They're monsters!!"

??? "(Y/N) isn't a monster! He's my friend!!"

A man then came and dragged him away. He was still crying out my name. I wanted to rum to him but my mother stopped me.

We walked back into our now empty kingdom, and the gates closed... I never saw him again after that...

End of Flashback

Tyra "(Y/N)! are you done yet? Link is already here!"

(Y/N) "H-huh? What?"

Tyra "I know you like the water, but now isn't the time to be sleeping in the tub!"

(Y/N) "O-okay, I'll be out in a minute!"

Tyra "Alright, but dont fall asleep again! You can do that in the lake later!"

(Y/N) "M-M-Mom!! Link might hear that!!"

Tyra "*smirking* oh dont worry, he's in the house right now."

(In Tyra's POV)

Hehe. I kept the windows open so im sure Link is having some wonderful thoughts. My son has been alone for some time and i could see the connection him and Link shares. Ohh i can't wait to have grandchildren! Come on, Tyra! You have to get them together!!

(Link is burning red while thinking of (Y/N) naked and asleep in the lake)

Back to (Y/N)'s POV

After a few minutes of rinsing, I finished and turned to the towel rack in hopes to dry up, only to find that it's empty.

Damn! I forgot to bring a towel! Argh and clothes too for that matter...

Not having many options left, I decided to call my mom to bring them to me. I peeked my head out of the small shed and called out to my mom sheepishly. I used a low voice so that Link won't hear it. this is so embarrassing...

(Y/N) "Mom..."

Tyra "Yes?" She answered from within the house.

(Y/N) "Can you... bring me a towel... and some clothes...?"

Tyra "Awww my baby forgot his clothes didn't he? Oh, or maybe you did it on purpose so Link here would have a something nice to watch~"

(Y/N) "MOM!!!!!"

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