Chapter 8: A blessing or a curse?

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There is a huge difference between a person who knows you and a person who is in you; that close one to your heart that feels your cramps because they felt it too. It seems like a fairytale, but there are people who cherish friendships like a holly belief. Griselda saw honesty in Jonathan's eyes and the sincerity in his voice. She was afraid to get hurt again, however, she knew she must give it a shot because regret hurts more.

· JONATHAN (surprised): Griselda, what are you doing here? I mean, I'm so happy you are here, it's not that I don't want you here, it's just...

.GRISELDA: Slow down, I'm here to talk.

.JONATHAN: Before you say anything, I want you to know that I was thrilled when I saw you from the window a minute ago.

· GRISELDA: Yeah! I doubt it. Well! I don't want to be brutal, but I don't think things will get back to how they were in the past.

· JONATHAN (hopelessly): Grise, come on, don't do that. Don't start with that. I just opened the door. Wait five minutes, and let's go somewhere more private, we have an audience here. (speaking about his parents and the neighbors)

They went to the grill (The town's restaurant), where they all used to hang out; Angelica was already there for her Sunday morning routine, having breakfast with her father. They slid into one of the booths, waved to Angelica and her father, and ordered their breakfast.

· GRISELDA: Let me finish first, then talk. Anyways, even if we both know that it's not going to be the same at the beginning, it's worth a shot. I love you and I'll always do. I never forgot about you, even though I didn't see you or talk to you in so long. Also, I believe that we will work it out through time, and maybe things will be the same once again like nothing has happened. That's what I came up with, I didn't even sleep yet, so you better give me a good reason.

· JONATHAN (with a happy thrilled and surprised look in his eyes): I didn't expect you would say that. Yet, Not maybe but DEFINITELY! Look, you really surprised me. I don't know what to say. I even forgot what I was going to say because I came prepared to convince you all over again. I really love you, Grise. I'll make you believe in me again as much as I believe in you, even if it takes me forever.

They hugged and kissed.

· GRISELDA: Believe it or not, when I first saw you, I hated you, but I hoped I could've hugged you exactly this warm hug.

· JONATHAN: I wanted it all the time when I was away, not only when I saw you. Whenever I was down, broken, disappointed, sick, the most thing I needed was your hug, and I'll always need you in my life.

· ANGELICA: Should we have a party? Because this occasion needs a party, and we didn't have a welcoming party for Jona. No objections. Well, It's not up to either of you, anyway. I don't need your permission to throw a party for you. I'm leaving now, so I can catch up on preparing the Axindi, you guys finish your truce. Later kids.


· GRISELDA: Yeah, you'll have to deal with that from now on, she thinks since she graduated before us, she's wiser and somehow our guardian. So, you are going to tell me what happened, or is it necessary to ask?

· JONATHAN: Is that a question or a to-do thing?

· GRISELDA: It's up to you (chuckles), skip the beginnings and tell me what made you disappear. It must have been something really serious when I rethought of it. So, go ahead, I'm all ears.

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