Chapter 20

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Sometimes revenge is not enough, but Karma is. Revenge is for weak people, the best revenge for villains is when karma hits them for you; they pay a double price.

Griselda headed straight to visit Dr. Brice after she met with Ms. Walpad, on her way she met Jonathan, and they have both exchanged the information they got about the case.

· JONATHAN: I guess I know who Mazekine is, we all do. I was right, she used to be known as Maze, Angelica is the one who first called her Maze, referred to the maze because she was kind of nescient.

· GRISELDA: She was bullying her? She never did, as far as I know.

· JONATHAN: Actually no, the school's bullies were, but one day she had a fight with Angelica in the girls' restroom and she called her the maze. But, what's more surprising is that she disappeared one year later.

· GRISELDA: Why does everyone connected to Ben keep disappearing? What else you got?

· JONATHAN: The biggest surprise is that she is Mazekine Stewart, as in Roger Stewart, Dr. Brice's husband. But what do you mean? And who's Ben?

· GRISELDA: I know she is related to Dr. Brice! That's why she eagerly tried to bring my memories. Where is Angelica, why isn't she answering her phone? I'll fill you up with everything later.

Since the beginning, they were suspecting Angelica that she has something to do with the incident because whenever they bring Ben's topic she acts odd. Meanwhile, Angelica was at Dr. Brice's house while she was at work. The thing she saw in the house left her in shock and didn't know what to do except for running to her friends. She rushed to meet them after she sent an emergency text to both of them, she arrived freaking out.

· ANGELICA: You guys won't believe what I just saw. MAZEKINE is alive and she's in Dr. Brice's house.

· GRISELDA: What? How did you know?

· ANGELICA: I crept into her house to look for some old files.

· GRISELDA: Are you insane? That was so dangerous, you should've waited for us to help.

· ANGELICA: It's okay, I owe you the truth anyway. I one day heard her talking to my father about some files she stole thirteen years ago from the psycho's house. It was the day of the incident, G, I will explain to you literally everything, but you need to know that you didn't do anything and everyone would believe that now. I was afraid that no one would believe us because we were children and you know as always only the oldsters who know it all.

· JONATHAN: I didn't understand a word.

· GRISELDA: Me too. But I guess I know where we should head in first. And you (pointing to Angelica) we have a lot to talk about. Why would she tell your father such a secretive thing?

· ANGELICA: A week ago she came by for business with dad and he offered a drink, but she drank a little too much and confessed everything. The guilt was eating her up, and after she said it all he threw her out. And since that day she was trying to ruin his career saying that he's a drug addict, so that people won't believe him if he says something.

On the other hand, Mazekine called her mother when she heard some noise in the house, and she knows that her mother is at work and no one else can make it into the house. Dr. Brice rushed to the house expecting a robbery, but she remembered that the robbery rate in Pervelli is 0%. When she got home she found that the back door was broken and someone went into her office rubbishing the files, nothing is missing, no sign of a thief.

Jonathan and Angelica were spying on the house, while Griselda went to Dr. Brice's cabinet pretending she wants to meet her urgently. Since Angelica told her that she couldn't find any files in the house, she doubted that she may find some in the cabinet. After she struggled with the password to log into the computer, she remembered the relationship with Mazekine and asked her friends for her birthdate.

Eventually, she made it in, she saw a letter G in the hidden files, the same as in her father's computer, and copied it to her hard drive. She left a note on the desk before she left, asking for a private meeting at the river.

Before she can make it to the meeting, she went to her house to see what's in the G file in her father's computer. When she opened it, she was amazed by the evil in people's hearts, and how monstrous they can be for their benefits.

Lately that day, Dr. Brice went to meet up with Griselda secretly, when she approached her, she was heartbroken but strongly speaking.

· GRISELDA: Do you know what the funny thing is? It's not that you lied to me about everything, literally everything. You lied to everyone else. Thirteen years of lies, of pretending to be good, of smiling at our faces knowing what you've done. Or you don't even notice what you have done, right? (Dr. Brice tried to speak) oh please! Shut it down! You don't have the right to say a word. Do you realize how many lives you have destroyed? Do you think you are any better than that psycho man? You are not. Because guess what! I am going to reveal everything, you lied to my parents and gave them a fake statement that I was the one who killed him, and that you destroyed the evidence trying to protect ME? Oh, bless your heart! I just don't understand how they didn't investigate this more.

· Dr. BRICE (yelling): Do you think I've been happy all this long? I was murdered inside seeing my daughter living with no soul. Do you think it was easy for me to do that, no it wasn't!

· GRISELDA: You accused me of murder! Do you realize what you have done? What are you talking about? Are you seriously feeling that you have done the right thing protecting your daughter and destroying another person?

· Dr. BRICE: I am a MOTHER!

· GRISELDA (shouts harshly): And I am someone else's daughter! Did you think of how would my mother think about me? that she had a criminal in her house?

· Dr. BRICE (speechless): My baby is my priority. She's above all.

· GRISELDA: well, guess what! I AM my priority and my parents' priority too. And I am going to take you down and make you pay for what you've done to me and to my family.

.Dr. BRICE (yelled painfully with tears rolling down) You stupid kid, you should've died in that accident.

Griselda put a step back and walked away, but Dr. Brice can't let her destroy all of what she was hiding and protecting all along. She ran towards her and pushed her into the river unconsciously, she was shocked and scared that she might have killed her because she didn't come up from the river.

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