Chapter 21: Sleeping Beauty.

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A minute has passed, then three, then four, and Griselda still underwater. She thought she drowned, in other words, she thought she killed her. Dr. Brice ran away and left her there alone to die. Meanwhile, Angelica was waiting but still didn't hear from both Jonathan and Griselda, so she did her part of the plan.

Three hours before the incident.

· GRISELDA (outraged speaking and in grief): I am meeting with Dr. Brice this evening, I've found out something on her computer. She hid the real evidence on her computer and gave my father a fake one. I noticed there are two G files in both her computer and my father's, so I searched them both and found that they are the same files but with different content. In my father's file, there is a statement saying that I killed the psycho man, yet, in Dr. Brice's file, there is no statement but a CCTV showing the whole incident.

She handed them the footage to watch it, and Angelica turned pale, she remembered the horrible feeling she felt that day and the crime she witnessed.

· ANGELICA (shakily said): I actually saw everything live. I was there and I was the one who drags you out, but I don't understand I was there back door, I didn't see Dr. Brice.

· GRISELDA: I know you were there, but watch the video, Dr. Brice came as fast as she could and took Mazkine.

· JONATHAN (mad): this is insane and a lot to take in. How did I miss all of this?

· ANGELICA: we were in enough trouble, so we didn't want to drag you along. We thought that we were protecting you because we assumed that you will try to do something to help.

· JONATHAN: of course I was going to. This is so stupid.

· GRISELDA: Jonathan, please this is really not the right time for an argument. Watch the video. I'll meet with Dr. Brice anytime soon.

· JONATHAN&ANGELICA (at the same time after ten minutes of watching): Oh my god.

· JONATHAN: There is no way you are going alone!

· GRISELDA: No, I'm not, (pointing to Jonathan) you are going with me, that's part of the plan, but you won't show yourself! It supposed to be only me. Meanwhile, (fearfully speaking) if something happened. (Talking to Angelica) Jonathan is going to text you and this video will be on everyone's phone, especially the publishing house of the town. Also, the statement that she gave to dad. This should go viral if she won't turn herself in.

· ANGELICA: Yes, I will. But how was she capable of faking it all without being noticed?

· JONATHAN: I bet her husband was the detective of the case.

· GRISELDA: how coincidentally!

In the present time.

The video was out, including the video that Jonathan recorded of Griselda and Dr. Brice, he also recorded her pushing Griselda on the river and running away. They have reached every single phone in the town even Mazekine's and Dr. Brice's, everyone was freaking out.

The people of Pevelli gathered in front of the doctor's house, the Forbes were raged and trying to kill her, but people were stopping them. Instead, they were throwing rocks at her house, still, she didn't turn herself in and hid in the basement with her daughter. Mazekine was full of hate for what she and her mother have done.

· MAZEKINE: I hate you, you monster! You destroyed me and accused someone else of something I DID! I have never felt okay after that day, an alive corpse full of guilt instead of a soul, living with a monster.

· Dr. BRICE (mildly shocked that she can speak again): no baby, I was protecting you from them! From what they could've done to you. The world has no mercy.

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